Delusional Sickness

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~Originally posted to Tumblr.~

Lockwood always got super loopy when he was sick. Not that he would remember much when he was better, and if he did, he played it like he didn't. Lucy and George always took turns spending nights off of work with him. Holly found their way of taking care of him actually a bit strange. Couldn't he take care of himself? Did he really need one of them to help? Well, whatever. They had a rule about cookies for God's sake!

Well, anyway, tonight was George's turn to watch over George. He gave Holly and Lucy the jobs for the night, then left for the archives. Around midday, Holly made lunch for everyone, forcing Lockwood to take his medicine.

"Lockwood, if you don't take the medicine, you're not going to get better." Holly huffed.

"But Hooooooooooooooooooooool!" He whined.

"Lockwood, please?" She begged.

He threw a pillow at her, in which she dodged. She was starting to get irritated. He was going to take this damn medicine if it was the last thing she'd do. But he didn't listen to anyone even if it was for his own good.

Well, he did listen to Lucy on rare occasions. Maybe he'd listen to her if she told him to.

She sighed and walked out of his room and walked into Lucy's room and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Lucyyy, I need your help." She sang threw the door. This always drove Lucy crazy when that perfect high-pitched voice of Holly's pierced her ears. She grumbled a "yeah" through the door.

"Lockwood isn't taking the medicine and won't listen to me, so will you please give it to him for me? He listens to you." She begged.

"You know he doesn't listen to anyone, Hol." She growled.

"Please!" She begged again.

"Ugh, fine." She opened the door and snatched the medicine from Holly's dainty, perfect hands.

"Thanks Luce!" She chirped. Lucy grumbled to herself, making her way to Lockwood's room. She gently pushed open the door. His eyes dashed up and his head snapped to look at the woman in the room, causing his head to spin an a throbbing pain make him wish he hadn't done that. But none the less, he gave her that same old megawatt smile that always had the same affect on her, no matter how much she's seen it. She sighed and padded over to his bed and sat down next to him.

"Lockwood, take your medicine." She demanded. His smile vanished.

"No 'Hello' or 'How are you'?" He inquired.

"Just take the medicine." She kept her eyes away from him. Even when he was sick, he was stunning. His tousled, messy hair, untidy pajamas, and for once, looking like he got a decent nights sleep.

She thrust the medicine in his face. He begrudgingly took it, cringing at the taste. Lucy let her hand drop and looked around his room. Now he had a chance to look at her.

Her own hair was untidy, as well as she was in one of Lockwood's shirts. Why did she even have that? Her normal skirt was missing, but she still wore her leggings. Normal white socks kept her feet warm. It was winter, so as expected, everyone was getting sick, Lockwood being no exception. Lucy, however, never got sick. The one thing that Lockwood couldn't get over was that Lucy was wearing one of his shirts. It was only when Lucy looked over to him did he realize she was talking.

"Right?" She asked.

"Is that one of my shirts?" He couldn't tear his eyes from the way his shirt pronounced her form. Showing off her curves, clinging to some parts of her and hanging lousily at others.

"Uh..." Her eyes darted around the room. "Y-Yes..."

"You look cute." He complimented.

"Look - It's just because all of my shirts are- wait what?" She stopped mid sentence.

"Well, actually, you look really good in my shirt. And when I get it back, It'll smell just like you." He smiled to himself. Her cheeks blazed.

"L-Lockwood, I think you need to take a nap." She got up to leave, but was pulled onto the bed by a surprising strong grip from the sick man. Once she lay in bed, he wrapped his arms and legs around her and nuzzled his face into her neck, the way a small child would to their favorite toy. She tried to escape his grip, and failed miserably.

"When I'm not sick, will you kiss me? I don't want to get you sick now." He asked.

"A-Are you-"

"I've always loved you. I want to kiss you so badly right now. You're the most beautiful woman I know Lucy." He smiled at her.

"What about Holly? She's perfect in every way. Her hair is wonderful and her skin is so soft and-" He softly put a finger to her lips to shut her up.

"Has Holly earned my heart the way you have? Has she saved me more times than I can count? Has she made the dissensions that hurt us the most, but helped us in the end?" He gently stroked his fingers through her messy hair. "Is Holly you?"

Lucy hid her face in Lockwood's shirt. He chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"Trust me Lucy, Holly could never make me feel this way. You're so special." He explained.

"I love you." She admitted.

"I love you too." He smiled.

Holly stood at the door, smiling to herself. Well, at least he said it when he was sick. Now just to get him to say it when he was in good health since he won't remember this...

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