Ch. 2: Identity as ________

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Stingerella uncuffed him as Terry pulled out a strange unusual morpher, "I've never seen a morpher like this.."

Stingerella had tried to touch it but it shocked her, "Ah!"

She groans as Terry looked at it as she looked at him. "Where did you find it?",

"I found it in my guitar case 4 years ago..I was performing at the Faiji Theaters, and I came back to my guitar case for my tuner and found it blinding me in the light."

It was like a watch that tells time but it had much more than time being told.

It had the power of a tiger spirit, being the color thinking it will be orange but in fact it's actually gold and blue.

"Well have you morphed before?", Terry shook his head no as Stingerella was pleased.

"Well are you goody two shoes or baddie..",

"I am a goo-.." a scorpion had crawled and poisoned Terry as it sank into his sink.

It left a scorpion tattoo on his neck and had his eyes flash colors as he twitched.

"Now what were you saying Terence..", "I am a scoundrel.." before anything else Mia had saw her brother lying on the ground unconscious.

Even though Stingerella poisoned him, it was only mentally not physically.

"Hey I got a table for us.." said Calvin walking outside helping Terry up.

They went and got seated as Lily walked over.

"My name is Lily Chilman, and if you need anything I will be severing pizza 24/7 here at Jungle Karma Pizzeria.",

"Thank you Lily.." mentioned Calvin as she nodded and mumbled "No problem.."

she had walked away towards the back as RJ looked through his office window and knew Mia secret identity as Pink Samurai but not Calvins as Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger.

"Who were those people.." asked RJ as Lily said "Calvin Maxwell in yellow, Terry Watanabe in green and his sister Mia in pink."

RJ nodded and kept looking at them. "You don't think they're previous rangers? Do you?"

Lily poured herself a glass of lemonade and sat on top of RJ table. "No I don't believe so, if they were the alarm system would of gone off."

She sipped her lemonade and looked at her, "You know it was broken right?",

"Has Theo not gotten back from the hardware store yet?" RJ shook his head no.

Theo had than just came back and tripped while everything in his hands were falling through the air, but there was not broken parts.

Calvin caught almost everything Theo bought as Theo looked at him, "Hey thanks..", "Don't mention it..what are you fixing?"

Theo started to explain the Ranger Intruder System than before a simple goodbye,

Mia took Calvin hand and ran out of the restaurant just as the alarm went off.

That alarm triggered Terry as he twitched and mumbled Stingerella name over and over.

                                                                      (Terry Ranger Form)

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(Terry Ranger Form)

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