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Alexander hummed and kissed his wife's cheek. She was cooking in the kitchen while Alexander was helping. His wife, Eliza, was five months pregnant with their second child.

Eliza smiled and pecked Alexander's lips. "Are you going to take Phillip to meet his teacher or should I?" She asked, shredding a block of cheese.

Alexander shook his head, moving so he was hugging Eliza from behind, kissing her neck sweetly. "I'll do it. You should rest." He said. This pregnancy had been a lot harder on Eliza. She was more moody and in more pain than when she was having Phillip. Alex worried about her and helped any way he could when he was home.

Eliza nodded, turning around and wrapping her arms around Alexander's neck. "How's your hip feeling today?" She asked.

Alexander was in the war for about six years. He ended up being shot in the hip during an accident. He was forced to retire when he couldn't walk without his wound bleeding. He came home to his wife and then two year old child. He went to physical therapy and eventually was able to walk again, though he needed a cane sometimes. He was still in pain every now and again.

"It feels fine. It's not hurting right now so I should be good." Alexander said, kissing Eliza gently afterwords. Eliza smiled and kissed back before quickly pulling away, looking as though she was in pain.

"What's wrong?" Alexander asked, immediately worrying. Eliza just shook her head. "My back just-uh- started hurting really bad." She winced, squeezing her eyes shut. Alexander quickly started to help her move to the couch. "Do you want a heating pad?" He asked, setting her down on the couch carefully and putting pillows around her, putting a blanket on her legs.

Eliza nodded a bit, Alexander quickly going to grab the one they had in the bedroom. "Here, love..." He mumbled, plugging it up and handing it to Eliza. Eliza set it on her lower back, groaning in pain. "I'll finish up things for dinner. You just relax." Alex said, kissing her head a few times.

Alex walked back to the kitchen and started to finish what Eliza was doing before she started to experience pain. After a while, Phillip came up to Alex, tugging on his shirt a bit. Alex turned around and smiled. "What's up, buttercup?" He asked.

"Is mommy dying?" Phillip asked, looking concerned. Alexander furrowed his eyebrows, quickly shaking his head. "No, no, baby. Mommy is just not feeling well. Remember how we told you that Mommy had little brother or little sister in her tummy?" Alexander asked, getting a nod from the small child.

Alexander bent down to his sons height. "Well, little brother or sister is getting bigger and since they're in Mommy's tummy, it hurts her sometimes. She's okay, baby. She's just hurting." He explained, kissing Phillip's head a few times.

'Little brother or little sister shouldn't hurt Mommy..." Phillip grumbled, crossing his arms. Alexander chuckled a bit. "Well, when you were in Mommy's tummy, you hurt her." He said, picking him up and setting him on the counter so Alex could continue cooking.

Phillip shook his head. "Nu-uh!" I never Mommy!" He argued, huffing a bit. Alex smiled, mixing the sauce in the spaghetti. "Yes you did. You didn't know it, though. Just like how little brother or sister doesn't know it." He said.

"Daddy... how did little brother or sister get in Mommy's tummy?" Phillip asked. Alexander's eyes widened a bit. They had expected this conversation after telling Phillip about the pregnancy but he just pushed it off at the time.

"Well, baby," Alex started, "when two grown ups love each other very very much, they go into their bed. Then, they have this thing called sex. Sex is when a boy puts his... uh... wee wee... in a girls... uhm... Minnie..." He explained the best he knew how.

Phillip nodded slowly. "So you and Mommy had sex?" He asked bluntly. Alexander nodded. "Yes, baby. Only because we are married and love each other very much." He said, kissing his head and taking the garlic bread from out of the oven. "Are you hungry right now or do you wanna wait to eat?" He asked.

"Wait." Phillip said. Alex nodded and moved Phillip from the counter. "I have an outfit out on your bed. Go put it on and then we are gonna go meet your new teacher!" He told him.

Phillip eagerly left. Alex smiled and made a plate for Eliza, grabbing her a drink from the fridge and handing it to her on the couch. "Phillip just asked how babies were made so that talks over with." He chuckled, sitting next to her for a minute.

"Oh my gosh-How'd it go?" Eliza asked, taking the plate and gently blowing on it. Alexander shrugged. "It was okay. He just absorbed the information." He shrugged before Phillip came to them, dressed in the nicer clothes he had put out for him.

"Hey, buddy. You ready to go meet your new teacher?" Alex asked, getting a nod. "Bye, Mommy! I love you!" Phillip said, walking to the door. "Bye, Pip. I love you!" Eliza replied with a soft smile. Alexander stood up, pecking Eliza's lips. "I love you, baby." He hummed. "I love you more." Eliza replied before kissing Alex softly for a minute. Alex pulled away and smiled, walking to the door and picking Phillip up and taking him to the car.

They arrived to the school soon and Alexander checked the list at the front to see what room Phillip was in. "Alright, Pip. It looks like you have a teacher named Mr. Laurens." He smiled, holding Phillip's hand. "Let's go meet him, buddy." He said, leading Phillip to the classroom that was on the list.

Once Alexander and Phillip reached the classroom, a young man, looking barely over twenty, was standing. He had freckles scattered over his face and wore his curly, light brown hair. His skin was tan and complimented his sparkly, hazel eyes.

Alexander approached him, immediately noticing the features, looking star struck.

"Hot damn..." He mumbled out loud.

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