Pen's backstory.

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Danny was Pen's human name in his past life. His full name is Danny Edward Solis. Danny was also a cool dude, just like Jonathan. He always shows off his coolness, and that's why he has so many friends, and he even has a girlfriend. He wears cool glasses, green jacket with the blue shirt inside, dark red pants, white shoes, and light red cap. Before he graduated from high school, he thinks he's too cool for school, even though he gets straight A's.

One day in 2006 when Danny was 21, he was showing off his coolness, and then the black man came to Danny, and he said "What's up, nigger?". The black man got angry  and beats up Danny. He tried to defend himself, but failed, and the black man shot him. He was killed instantly. In his BFDI counterpart, he's still pretty cool, but he doesn't act racist in the show.

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