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Michaels POV

Did I just see two fucking demons? What the actual fuck, this place is getting worse and worse everyday, I seriously need a break. Ashton, the new kid, sat playing with his hands at the desk for inspections, "Hey Kid! What do you think you're doing?! You can't sit around and do nothing! Go check on that Tanya chick, Cell 52." I try to distract myself from what I just thought I saw, it's got be my imagination. Yeah, just my imagination. Ashton nodded shyly and started walking down the corridor of cells. I sat at the computer and slowly clicked into the emails. 5 unread, I sigh lightly as I look through them. One of them caught my eye, 'You can't drown us, we know how to swim.', was all it had said. My eyes searched the place frantically, every corner, every crack. I heard my name being hissed, a hand on my shoulder. I turn in fright to see nothing but a faded old picture. I take a sigh of relief. I turn back around to the computer where a picture of the 'demon boy' I had thought I'd seen earlier awaits me. I scream a little manlier this time, turning the computer off quickly.

Ashtons POV

Stupid boss guy throwing his stupid orders. If it weren't for my mom I wouldn't even be here."'Go work at the institution, she said, it'll be fun, she said.'" Some of the people here are fucking nutballs. Those girls I came across earlier, the two in the same cell, there was something very different about them, but I will find out what it is. I find myself outside the brunette's cell. I kneel down and slowly pull back the heavy lock and open the door a bit. I see her cradled in the corner, crying. "A-are you okay?.." I inquire quietly. "What do you want, you people are fucking scum." She spat out the words as if they were poison in her mouth. "I won't hurt you or do anything, you know that right? I don't like the way they treat you guys in here.." I rub the back of my neck nervously. She stayed completely silent and stared at the wall, tightening her grip on her knees. I quickly scan the whole cell, the dirty, damp, concreate walls scream something these patients would say but never get heard, "Help me."


Kats POV

I stared at the cell wall, the one I drew all my thoughts on with my chalk. They gave us chalk to keep us 'occupied'. It annoys be so much! For gods sakes, we may have been SLIGHTLY insane coming in here but right now, I feel tormented, no demented more like. I hate it here! I hate the people in this place, I hate EVERYTHING about it. Simply and defined line of judgement right there! Any appreciation for it? NO. I've done everything in my will power to prove I'm not insane but you know what I don't really care anymore, fuck em all! Maybe they're right though, the higher I get the lower I sink, I'm getting worse by the day, I haven't seen daylight in 3 years. It's safe to say, I actually am going insane.


Yeah so Kats POV is weird but oh wellll, hope y'all lke it!

Am I Crazy Or Just Mentally Insane? ~a 5SOS fan fiction~Where stories live. Discover now