Ch. 5 They're Here

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It was over two months before their solidated plan could even begin to be put into action, far longer than either of them would have liked.
Due to recent "alien" disturbances in the cities surrounding them, it would have been extremely unwise to attempt escape now. The entire area was on high alert. They were trapped.

"I'm tellin' ya, Soundbreaker, if those Decepticons don't let up on their raiding spree we'll never get outta 'ere," with a grumble, Crosshairs readjusted himself as he sat against the side of the barnhouse. The sky was still relatively dark, and dawn was still barely peaking over the horizon. It was safe for the two of them to relax outside for the time being.

Song, currently in her Protoform, sat in the dry summer grass a short distance away from him. "Well, I saw the news last night. Seems like their rein of terror came to an abrupt end, good riddance. Its thanks to them that even the Autobots are starting to get a bad rap."

One of her german shepherds, the alpha male, Rakiesh, joyfully trotted up to her large metal form and dropped an oversized ball near her hand. She threw it for him far into the field below and he took off. Mika and Ella joined him, running down the hill in pursuit of the ball. Gwen, the oldest of the four shepherds, stayed to lay and rest beside her master.

"What do you plan to do with them once we're off?" Crosshairs inquired, staring into the steadily rising sun. It was growing brighter by the second.

"Reina will take them. She has plenty of expirence with dogs... I'm not worried. I'll miss them sure, but I know they'll be happier with her." Song softly smiled as she stroked Gwen with the tips of her metal fingers affectionately.

Crosshairs gave a smug grin, "Yeah, 'cause there's no fraggin' way we're taking them along. Takin' you is enough."

Song actually laughed, "Yeah, yeah, I know. They're too much trouble and so am I."

"Tch, got that much right."

Later that evening, while Crosshairs tinkered over some random schematics he'd drawn out, Song was busying herself cleaning the house when she heard a series of vehicles outside.

As she approached the window there came a firm knock on the front door. Her heart stopped...

There were a group of what looked to be government officials strolling up to her doorstep. Then came another knock, harder this time, louder. She could hear their voices, and she knew she didn't have a choice.
Quickly slipping on her black hoodie to hide her arm braces, and praying her "guests" wouldn't think much of her "necklace," she moved to the entrance with caution. She opened the door to be greeted with an older man's face.

He smiled at her almost crudely, "Hello ma'am, we're with Cemetry Wind, I'm sure you've heard of us patrolling the local area lately. We're looking for stray signs of recent alien activity and we're searching high and low this time. We don't want to leave anymore traces of unwanted visitors, as I'm sure you understand."

She blinked rapidly for a moment before managing to force a smile, "No, I'm sorry, Sir. I just live out here by myself, I've not come into contact with anything of that nature or I would have certainly made the call."

"Ma'am, I hate to be brash but we have some reason to believe you may be harboring alien life in your residance. In fact," he cleared his throat, "it was only recently discovered that someone actually lived out here. And amazingly, you, whoever you may be, do not show up on any of our civilian records. By all logic, this house should be vacant."

Song began to struggle to remain calm, and desperately fought of the urge to slam the door in the man's face.

He spoke again, taking a sly step closer to her. His next words shattered her like glass, "So tell me, Miss Westorp, how long have you been hiding from us out here? And who do you have with you?"

Before another word from anyone could be spoken, Song's landline began ringing from inside. Frozen, she stared dead-eyed at the man, almost as if she was awaiting his permission to answer the call, lest he shoot her where she stood.

He caught the drift, and nodded to her, "You'd better answer that," he said darkly.

She backed away and ran to her kitchen, shaking so terribly she could barely reach for the phone.

"Hello?" She stated, though she already had a gut feeling of who it was, and why they were calling.

"Song?! Song I saw them, they were just up the road! I'm on my way over but you need to leave now!" It was Reina.

"Reina?! No, no! Go back home now! They're already--"

Song's dogs who had been penned up in the front yard began barking wildly as a stampede of booted footsteps entered her home.

"Miss Westorp? We're going to need you to come with us." The man had let himself inside and snatched the phone from her hands.

"I swear to you there's nothing else here! Its just me and my dogs! I haven't been doing anything to threaten the government or the safety of any civilians!" Song struggled to find the words to convince the man to leave.

"No Westorp, I doubt you've been at large recently but you still actively participated in a series of crimes that have gone unpunished for far too long... And I highly doubt your absence in the interaction with alien mechanoids."

"That was seven years ago, I was a practically a child then! I'm not that person anymore I swear!" Song continued to plead with him knowing it was no use, but did so anyways, hoping it would at least slow them down.

As she turned around, she could spot several other armed units parading around her house. She held her breath as one of them found the side door to the kennel, and contempleted making a move as she watched him grab the door handle... but it was locked.

She never locked that door! There wasn't even a lock on that door! Who could've--Crosshairs...!

In the next room over, Crosshairs had been listening intently to the events unfolding outside. He was prepared for a fight and had boarded up the door with everything he could find, sealing it shut.

"Sir, the door's been blocked off--" the unit stated.

"Break it down!"

Cemetery Wind began to throw everything they had to break it open. Crosshairs wondered how long it would be before they set the house on fire.

'Lousy meatbags,' he thought to himself before thinking about how long it would take for "Miss Westorp" to crack. He figured she'd give away his position as soon as her life was truly on the line. By that time he'd have no choice but to run, or die. Hell, he'd run now if only he knew what kind of weaponry they had outside, and how many of them there really were.

And Soundbreaker? She was still a human, cybertronian name and body or no. And why should he stick his neck out for any human at all? After they'd blatantly turned on his species? After all the Autobots had done to protect humans, humans still fought back.

As punishment for her retaliation, Song was thrown face first into the dirt in her front yard. As she tried to get up, she felt a boot kick her back down, followed by several pairs of hands to keep her there.

"Get offa me!" She snarled, twisting this way and that. She couldn't use her Protoform... not yet. They still didn't know of her true potential, and it was best to keep it that way for as long as possible. They'd kill her instantly if they knew who, or what, she really was.
And even so, Cemetery Wind was trained and equipt to take on even the toughest Transformers. After all has been accounted for, what could she possibly have in a fight against them?

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