Writing Advice

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Where do we begin? Well, right here—with the advice itself.

How Advice Can Be Helpful

When I first started Wattpad back in 2011 (I know, I'm old guys), I was pounding back writing articles, blog posts, self-help books, and any other type of literary piece I could regarding writing. Which is never a bad thing—writing advice can help you see the process of writing and give you the behind-the-scenes look at how other authors and bloggers do the whole writing thing.

Every single one of us writes differently. Each of us has a different voice, style, rhythm, etc. We all plan differently, have different views, and even pick different words than others. Which is a good thing! However, with all writing, there are moments where you get stuck. Or, you're still early in the process of discovering what works best for YOU. This is where writing advice can come in handy. It can help you see what aspects you want to work on. It can also help you experiment when you're stuck or simply see how other writers do that thing where they put words together.

Sometimes Advice Doesn't Work...and That's Okay

Because we each have our own voice and way of writing, sometimes advice might not work. And that's okay! Let's say you're a major planner—you write out an entire outline for your novel, organize character arcs, create a plot board, analyze your plot structure, and plan out your ending all before you start writing.


...I don't do that.


Some of us fly by the seats of our pants when it comes to writing. Others know everything down to the very minute detail. As such, advice about outlining tips, while helpful in any capacity, might not be as effective for those who are, shall we say, "winging it" (like me). And that's perfectly alright!

Do I recommend you read different writing tips even if they don't apply to your writing process or style? You bet! If nothing else, it will help open your mind to the various tips and processes out there. And occasionally, you'll find an article or blog post or book that gives you an entirely new view on how you're writing.

What Do You Pair With Writing Advice?

Writing, of course! We can read a gazillion books on writing and how to best plot or how to cut filler words but none of that means anything if you're not writing. The physical act of writing itself will ALWAYS be the best way to improve. Writing is a muscle—you must flex it and practice, practice, practice. I can tell you to "Show, Don't Tell" until I'm blue in the face and looking very much like a Smurf. But none of that can be applied unless you're writing. Learning the craft is very important, but do not let yourself use it as an excuse to stop writing. Sometimes, you have to experiment in your own way and let your own writing be your teacher.

So get out there writer! And get writing!


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