Being a Writer

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Writing is not easy. It requires time, effort, and a hell of a lot of passion. While some may be able to string words together as effortless as breathing, it's not just about the picking and choosing of nouns, verbs, and direct objects. It's also about building plot, adding tension, developing characters, and building your story into a full-fledged creation.

Writing can get hard. In fact, I guarantee you there will be days when you'd rather chop off your own arm than put words on a page. Or days when it seems easier to run a mile uphill than finish the scene your working on. Like with most art, it takes a lot of determination to keep going, especially when you'd rather spend your time eating ice cream or going to the mall. The important thing is that you do not stop. Eat your ice cream while you write!

Quitting is easy—finishing your novel is harder. You need to decide you're willing to put in the effort to keep going, especially when you hit a dead end or get disappointed with how your manuscript is turning out. Just remember—you have not failed unless you stop writing.

Writing has whatever value you give it. You cannot expect your readers to fall in love with something you do not also love. Similarly, you cannot hope to have your readers be excited about something you are not also excited about. Let your passion drive your craft. Pour it into your characters and sprinkle it throughout your plot. You'll be surprised at how much impact a little determination and love has on your writing.

Every writer is unique. This is a good thing. You will never write exactly like someone else. Similarly, no one else will write exactly like you. This stems from each individual's life experiences, situations, and cultures that help us develop and put our own spin on characters and story lines. Own your individuality! It is part of what makes you you. It also will be the reason why a reader likes your story and not someone else's. Your voice is important!

It can be fixed. There is no mistake, especially on Wattpad, that is irrevocable. (Unless you're a jerk to your readers. Yeah, don't do that). Don't let the fear prevent you from scribbling down that next chapter.

Self doubt is real. And it exists in all of us. Whether you have one follower or one million, there will always be that doubt in your work and what you're doing. It's vital that instead of giving it power over you and letting it stop you, you fight it and learn about the balance. There will be good days and there will be bad days. Just know you are not alone.


What is something you've discovered as a writer?

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Writing Is Hard (And Other Things Someone Should've Mentioned)Where stories live. Discover now