Prologue: Enter Katsuragi

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"Fate... it guides our path through life and it doesn't. Some may try to change their fate but others see where is goes. But for those that expect the unexpected a gate has opened for new opportunity." says the unknown voice that speaks wisdom and knowledge.

On the island of Menagerie the safe haven of the faunus community the sun was setting on the Island there was a house on the edge of town. This house is owned by Jackie and Winston Katsuragi. Jackie, a snow tiger faunus due to her white tiger ears. Her husband Winston is a wolf faunus he has a wolf tail. Both parents are looking through the backyard window there their five year old bundle of joy. He had snow white hair with white tiger ears with black tips at the end, their sons eyes are a blaze blue color that can pierce into anyone soul, he also has a white tail with black stripes that swayed back and forth and they named him Rin.

Rin's pov

I was in the backyard practicing Kung Fu while looking at my dads scroll on videos on how to do it to see if im it right. I always love practicing tho i'm still new at it, but I never gave up because I have a dream to become a Kung fu master and a pro huntsman. I was still practicing till I heard my mom call for me.

"Rin it's time for dinner" she yelled from the back porch.

"Okay coming mom" I yelled while making my way inside the house there I see my parents parents setting up put the table so I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and after I was done I sat at the table waiting for my family.

" So how was your little training session Rin from what me and your mother saw you was working pretty hard out there" Winston says while taking a next to me

"So far so good dad, But I'm still having trouble learning from the video though" I replied somewhat frustrated how vague the learning video is.

"Don't worry honey you will get it eventually you have our support but our warrior has to eat to be able to do all that" my mom said while carrying the food that her and dad made.

"Your mother is right Rin no matter what you have our full support your the best of both us Rin your on your way" my dad said while smiling along with my mom. After dinner I headed to my room, filled with various memorabilia of the elite Faunus kung fu fighting group known throughout all of Remnant: The Furious 5.

←--------TIMESKIP 12 YEARS LATER----------->

[Think Tigress or Tai Lung running on all fours in Kung Fu Panda]

I sprinted through the urban landscape of Menagerie, vaulting through open windows, running on all fours. I rush through the marketplace with the sack of food that will soon be dinner, I glanced back behind me and waved to all the children, merchants that I run errands from time to time.

"Rinnnn" I hear them call out to me

"Morning Mrs. Chen!? As I vault out of her window.

"Byyyye Rin"

As I finally made my last stop at Belladonna household, I hopped on the top of their roof. Then my ears twitched. Perched I glanced around and spotted some White Fang harassing the elderly Mr. Lee, a bull Faunus 2 blocks away.

"Ah shit here we go again"

I catapult myself through the rooftops before picking the perfect ambush spot from above. I overheard the poor schmuck.

"Where is our protection fee!?"

"I don't even use your services, just get out of here"

"Don't you mo-" before I axe kicked him from above and leg swept his partner before giving him a heavy enough punch to keep him unconscious.

" That takes care of them" I said and walked over to see if Mr. Lee is okay "Are you okay Mr. Lee".

" Oh Rin my boy thank you for helping me if you hadn't came in I don't know what would have happened"

" It fine Mr. Lee I'm just glad you are alright" I said while rubbing the back of my head nervously because I'm still not used to the praise.

" Well I should be getting back home you take care of yourself Rin and thanks again" he says as he starts walking.I waved to him and sighed knowing I did good today though at the cost of me being late but it's worth the punishment. But I sooned regretted it as soon I heard a familiar voice talking to me from behind.

"Rin, Rin, Rin, Rin you know your father and mother are gonna be pissed" the mischievous smiling cat faunus called to him.I turned around slowly to see Ms.Belladonna smiling which I know that can't be good.

" M...M...Ms. Belladonna I.... I...I can explain..." I try to say but she interrupted me before I finished what I was about to say.

" Was it the White Fang again" shes says while looking innocent.

I sighed in defeat knowing i can't win an argument with her like last time I had one the last time with her so I had to tell the truth.

" Yeah it was the White Fang again Ms. Belladonna" I said sounded defeated.

"First I told you don't need to be so formal it makes me feel old I known your mother for many years so just call me Aunt Kali and two" she paused but then she hugged me, it shocked me at first but I melted in her hug.

" I know you won't sit idly by and let incidents like this happen so I'll let it side and not tell your parents if you promise me you be careful I don't want to see your family saddened if something happens to you Rin" she says with a caring tone only a mother can do.

I sighed knowing she cares a lot about my welling that's one thing about her I like she is always caring about others like they were her own family. It didn't matter who they are if they are human or faunus she opened her arms to anyone that accepts her kindness; so how can I not say no to her after everything she did for me and my family.

" Okay I promise aunt Kali" I said while I hug her back.

" Good now since I got no work for you to do today you have a day off " she says while letting go and having a smile on her face.

" Okay I'll see you later aunt Kali" I said while walking off and waving to her.

While walking into town I started reminiscing the past 12 years went by so fast I did so much for much for this town I can't help but be happy. I can feel that im so close to my dream of being a hunter to the point that i can help but wonder what more is in store for me.

←------------------LINE BREAK------------------->

Ozpin is sipping his tea in his office when he noticed a falcon with written message in its clutches; curious the falcon glides over, and drops the letter and flies off.

"Okay that's strange" Ozpin's eyes widened "It's the symbol of the Jade Palace, must be from Shifu or Oogway. I wonder what's new?" He opened and read the contents of the letter, shocked, panicked.

"Glynda, I need you find all the information on a young snow tiger faunus and get me Team RWBY PRONTO."

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