Chapter 2

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"Now if you excuse me Yang, I need to make a few calls. Alone." I said with an annoyed tone.


"Well you did turn your normal flirting to over nine thousand from what you said earlier, Yang." Blake said while reading.

"It's not you, it's me." As I rushed up the stairs and slammed my door shut and put all five locks onto my room. I began calling up the monkey bastard again.

"Hello Rin, need anything?" Sun said in a mellow tone.

"Yeah we got a code white here!"

"No fucking way. That's impossible. They would've been lynched by the time she stepped on foot." Sun's jaw had dropped.

"Trust me Sun I thought the exact same and I literally tried to get rid of her, but her team stopped me, due to them looking for me."

"Then what are you going to do Rin?" As I sat there, pondering how to secure their safety.

"Just give me a minute to think of something and speaking of that, is Neptune with you, by any chance? I haven't heard from him in a while."


"And that's why we have Life Alert for that." As I hung up on them afterwards. As I paced back and forth as I pondered who else can help. It dawned on me.

"Aunt Ka-" I was briefly cut off by a seductive voice.

"Ara ara I've waited on you to call upon me."

"Oh shit don't do that!" I said clutching my chest.

In short, I found out about Kali's semblance. Through a bit of deductive reasoning, I've concluded her semblance is spatial movement. How I managed to stumble onto that fact, I'll leave it up to your imagination.

"Sorry Rin I couldn't help it. You looked so out of it. I just had to."

"Okay, but look, I need your help. A team from Beacon Academy came along with a Schnee to boot, and I can't leave them unsupervised; so I need you to go into town and buy stuff that would make four humans look like Faunuses, and some clothes for the Schnee"

"Okay I'll do what I can. We don't need a mass panic right now." Kali sighed

"I can tell this is going to be a really really long day lets just hope that this will be over soon" I said moving the discussion forward

From there, we discussed various subjects surrounding each girl and what Faunus they could pass as. That's when I heard it.

"And this is when he was one. When he first learned how to walk."

"Oh my god he's so cute! Look how tiny he is, and he looks like a kitten!"

I zoomed over and took the childhood photo album my mother was showing the others to.

"Did you just go even faster?" Ruby said shocked.

Although it wasn't common fact, my parents and especially Kali had a tendency to coax a childish side of mine. I find it annoying but it's parents, my friends are another case. I can at least ease myself in. There is always one person that seems to cling to me like catnip on Tuesday morning.

"I got to ask this, I already know the Schnee. Who the fuck are you people?"

"Oh that's right. We didnt introduce ourselves, well I'm Ruby Rose, this is my older sister Yang Xiao Long. The one reading the book is--."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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