Chapter 1

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After what had happened I decided to go into town because I had to run a few errands to do anyways. My first stop is a guy that makes weapons his name is Max he is a deer faunus; about two months ago I asked Max to make me two different types of weapons. One was a high power shotgun that turns into a giant scythe, and the other are gauntlets that use dust for hand to hand combat. After about twenty minutes I make it to Max's shop I asked him how my weapons are coming along.

"Hey Max" I say while walking over to his stand.

"Rin my favorite customer how's it going my friend" he says while leaning over the counter.

"Same old same old Max but now I'm here".

"I see but on to your business here for your weapons right" he says wondering if he answered right.

"Yeah how's it coming along" I ask wondering if it was good or bad news about my weapons.

"Well your high powered shotgun scythe is done but I need more on time your gauntlets because the dust chamber needs a bit more calibrating though" he says while giving me the weapon to me.

"Well your high powered shotgun scythe is done but I need more on time your gauntlets because the dust chamber needs a bit more calibrating though" he says while giving me the weapon to me

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"How long will it take?" I asked while examining the gun and makes it transformed it into its scythe mode.

"If I start now I say the latest tomorrow morning and by the way, what are you going to name the weapons anyways" he asked while I put the weapon back into its gun mode.

"To be honest I was thinking of naming it Blaze because I have a few ideas on how I will be using it in conjunction with my semblance" I said while still thinking of ways to use Blaze with my semblance.

"Interesting Rin I never seen you put much thought into using weapons before?" Max said with curiosity in his eyes.

"Yeah that's true, but anyways how much do I owe you for both weapons?" I ask while strap Blaze to the back of my pants and took out my wallet.

"Actually they're free of charge this time Rin" he says with a carefree tone.

This took me by surprise I never got anything for free at any of the stores in town. What makes it more shocking is that the materials that Max had to get to my weapons came from Atlas and Vale, and from what he told me they were not cheap nor easy to get. So why...why would Max go that far me when no other store does.

"Max why would you go that far for me you told me that all the materials were not easy to get so why not charge me" I asked with a really confused look on my face.

"Rin you've done so much for this town when the White fang started turning on their own kind for not having the same views as them. You could have kept to yourself; but you choose to help anyone need; you risk your own life to save another and everyone is grateful for you for everything. You're a hero to a lot of us Rin so as thanks from not just me but from everyone I'm not charging you for the tools that you want to protect others, and promise me you will keep being you" he says with a determined and sincere look on his face.

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