k.dy x j.jh ; promised (fluff)

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foreword: this one shot is based one something that actually happened to me, so it'll sound familiar to my mutuals. please, i don't want y'alls sympathy, i just COULD NOT resist to make it a jaedo one shot. writing is my passion and the story was too perfect. for sure, it's changed a little bit here (age and times for example and it's shortened, also the ending is different and some details because in the end it's still supposed to be a jaedo one shot), but i had the need to say this. also please, to my mutuals, don't take this too seriously. this is not meant to harm anyone, ilyall (fühlt euch bitte angesprochen, wenn ich sage, dass ich euch ganz doll lieb hab. alle)
also sorry for this probably being pretty long

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it was in the late afternoon. doyoung was laying on his bed, currently on a call with his best friend jaehyun. none of them talked, the only thing that was heard was jaehyun's laugh, when he probably looked at memes. but doyoung stayed quiet. he wasn't annoyed or not in the mood, he just was busy with his thoughts. after some time of silence, jaehyun had realized that it was pretty quiet and assumed, that something was wrong. "hey, bunny?", he spoke. doyoung made a noise to signalize, that he heard his friend. jaehyun frowned on the other side of the line. "are you okay? you're so quiet." "what? n-no i'm fine. just thinking", doyoung replied quickly. "i'm fine", he repeated himself, not sure who he tried to convince. "thinking? about what could you think while talking with me?" he emphasized the "me" what made doyoung giggle at the sarcastically selfish sentence. "no but seriously, what bothers you?", jaehyun then asked seriously and doyoung couldn't overhear the worry and curiosity in his voice. he could hear, that jaehyun really cared for what was on doyoung's mind. the boy grinded his teeth. he didn't want to answer, but he knew that if he didn't answer, jaehyun's curiosity would just grow. "nothing important", doyoung tried to save himself unsuccessfully. "come on doyoung, you know you can tell me everything!" jaehyun's half ironic, half serious whines made doyoung smile softly. his mother's voice screaming his name was his rescue. "my mom just called me, dinner must be ready. i gotta go", doyoung explained. reluctantly jaehyun mumbled an "okay", before they said goodbye and hung up. doyoung sighed relieved. he stood up and went downstairs. he sat down on one of the chairs, next to his older brother, that didn't bother to waste time annoying him. "were you on the phone with jaehyun again?", he asked teasingly. it could have been a normal question, but he made it sound like a bad thing. "any problems with that?", doyoung hissed back. he knew it was unnecessary to fight with his brother now, that was why he tried to ignore the accusing shade. gong myung was, unlike doyoung, a popular kid in school, but doyoung didn't mind being the silent nerd in class. "no. you're jut talking like 24/7", his brother said like it was the weirdest thing ever. "you don't have internetfriends, you don't know how it is", doyoung mumbled, clenching his hands to fists. he knew well enough that his stupid brother just wanted to provocate him and doyoung hated the fact, that he succeeded. he wasn't selfish at all, but doyoung knew that he was way smarter than his brother. gong myung was about to say another dumb thing, when their mother stopped their conversation. "it's enough. let's forget about it and just start eating, okay?", she said with her soft voice, but not to be missed still strict. doyoung sent a thankful smile to his mother, who just mouthed a "you're welcome". gong myung would never understand the bond of friendship. he had "friends" too, but they were assholes, who focused on being popular, having a good body and being the bad guys. just like gong myung, who probably wished to have a brother, that was more like him. but doyoung was happy not to be like this. he was happy to have jaehyun as his best friend. nobody could ever understand how they were connected to each other, not even jaehyun and doyoung could. doyoung thought back a few months and immediately smiled. it had been in the late evening. he always had to deal with mental illness and that evening, it was terrible. not only suicidal thoughts but also selfhate and paranoia had overcome him. for sure, doyoung had texted jaehyun. the hours had passed while they were talking about a million things, but it was also that day, when jaehyun confessed, that he felt more than friendship for doyoung. doyoung had been thinking about this for the past months now. no day would pass without this thought crossing his mind multiple times. after thinking about this for what felt like an eternity, he knew that he reciprocated jaehyun's feelings. but he was afraid. he had been in love before and everything he felt, when he thought back to this time, was pain. he connected love with pain, that was why he promised himself never to fall in love again. he broke that promise and accepting that fact was hard enough. he hated the thought that once he had to tell jaehyun. doyoung had known the giant softie for over a year, but he had fallen for him in a way, he never fell for anyone before. but his mind wasn't able to believe, that people could like him this way. not even jaehyun, who had always been on doyoung's side, protected him, helped him, cared for him and above all, accepted him. doyoung had finished dinner and looked at his mother, who gave him a silent permission to stand up. quietly he stood up and left to his room, where he laid down on his bed and grabbed his phone. he immediatly discovered the message from his friend.

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