✨Quirk Assessment✨

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Let's just get this over with folks.

💚Cinnamon Roll💚

Quirk: Emotion Manipulation

This Quirk includes being able to change anybody's emotions whether they want it to happen or not. If you know an emotion and it's habits when someone is having it, you can give another person that emotion.

Drawbacks from using your quirk can include mood swings that can last up to 30 minutes and minor to severe headaches. Luckily it's either one or the other and never both.


Quirk: Crystal Creation

Think of this quirk as Momo's quirk but you make crystals of any shape that you can control. You can also create objects out of crystal. Let's say you created an apple out of crystal, it would actually have the same implementations as an apple. This means that you can actually eat your own crystals 😂. The sad part is that it wouldn't taste very good. You can also make crystals of any color, but without the thought of color, they come out a light lavender color.

Drawbacks: The main drawback to your quirk is that your skin gets very dry very quickly. There is also the drawback of you having to eat a lot of foods that have iron in it.


Quirk: Your quirk consists of being very very lucky. It doesn't really matter what you are doing, but luck is always on your side. Baking cookies? You bet those are the best cookies ever made! Doing something stupid that requires a lot of chance? You got it! Think of this quirk being like Domino from Deadpool 2

Drawbacks: some drawbacks to your quirk involve your luck as well. You don't exactly know what the luck will come out to help you with. If you are dealing with a situation that requires more than one thing based off of luck, it will only help one thing before going to the other.(This drawback you can train to be better)


Quirk: Your quirk is Arachnid! You can basically do anything a spider can do. Most people don't actually know what your quirk is because you don't like to share it with people. Your abilities include growing spider legs, being able to make silk, hatching spider minions but you don't do that a lot, wall climbing, and being able to spray venom from your fangs.

Drawbacks: Drawbacks of your quirk are having fangs that you can't get rid of and, well, people are scared of your quirk.


Quirk: Air Manipulation is your gift. Your abilities that you have learned so far are the following: Transportation which is just letting you fly around to get places, you can manipulate other things with the air you are manipulating or, in other words, Telekenesis, you can make quick draft of wind to peirce enemies like spears, etc.

Drawbacks: You get extremely dizzy if you use your quirk too much. Then there is also the drawback of your quirk affecting you as well as others.


Quirk: The quirk you possess is known as No Sleep. It's pretty much how it sounds. You don't feel the need to sleep and you don't feel exhausted. Since you aren't exactly wanting to become a hero, you're in the support course.

Drawbacks: You don't get to experience the bliss that others call sleep.


Quirk: Pupetteer is what people call your quirk. You can make anybody in your general area, hypnotised with no control over their body whatsoever and is forced to be under your control. You can also force certain thoughts into their head.

Drawbacks: If you overuse your quirk, your limbs go numb and you start to cough up blood. I bet that could scare somebody pretty good.

🛌Sleeping Bag🛌

Quirk: Your quirk is called Daze. It is very similar to your sister's. But instead of putting them to sleep, you put them in a sleep-like daze that immobilizes targets. Also, your mist isn't prone to work better on one specific gender when in use!

Drawbacks: The thing is, the mist you emit smells extremely bad to you. There is a time limit of where the stench becomes unbearable and you have to stop using it.

Welp. That's it for quirks for now. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it's just a run-through of quirks.

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