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I swear I'm trying to get chapters out but its kind of hard to remember or keep track of when i upload. So Just bare with me.


This little cinnamon roll like to call you all of those cheesy names that are in those romance novels and movies!

He calls you Baby, Babydoll, Honey, Lovely, Beautiful, and Emoji (Cuz of your quirk) There are a lot more than just that, but the list is getting quite long.

You call him a few nicknames. These consist of Hero, Lovebug, Sweetheart, Teddy bear, and Izu. Not to mention all the names that you call him as a joke.


He is an asshat when it comes to what he calls you. Let's just put it that way.

He calls you a plethora of things. Ashy (Quirk Drawback), Mine, number one dumbass, Babe are the most frequent. He also calls you Roxanne because you love that song and he wants to tease you about it.

You call him oh so many. This being because you just love to piss him off. Blastybae, Boom, Baka, Porcupine, Zero, Hun, Thotsuki Bakuhoe, Man tiddies and that list is longer than Ojirou's tail.


He calls you lovey dovey stuff no matter when or where in what situation. hE wON't H E S I T A T E B I T C H.

Babe, Lucky, Domino, Beautycool(yw all those Yagami Fans out there), Honey, Sweetness, Queen,etc. You get the point.

You usually call him nicknames to get him hyped up. You call him manly, Rocky, Sharky, Daddy shark for those frIsKy times, Sweetcheeks, Red and way too many to count


He has no shame in calling you any of these names anywhere because he has no filter(with some exceptions)

Love, Darling, Arachne(Like the greek myth), Princess, Maiden, and that's pretty much it that he calls you by.

You call him things that he prefers not to be called but won't do anything because it's still considered affection in his eyes. Icyhot, Daddy Issues(I LOVE that song), Elsa, Zuko, Snowman, Prince, Canadian flag, Sho, Roki Roki are the lot of them.

Denki $$$$$$$$$

With his flirtacious self, he is bound to have called you almost any nickname under the sun.

Baby, Boo, Bae, Air bender, Thot police, The Drowner, Thot #2 because he calls MIna Thot #1, His one and only, he calls you his Hoe, then proceeds to get smacked, True love, Lip smacker because you always seem to have lipsmackers on when he kisses you. 

You call him simple names. Dumbass, my dumbass, Duncey, Thor, Charger, Flirt, you went off of his name for you and you came up with My one and Hoe-nly, and Thot gang.


He calls you names occasionally around others, but sticks to the basics when others are around.

He calls you His star, love, His nurse, darling, Sweetheart, Vanilla, Beauty, sleepy, and the plain lovey dovey nicknames.

You call him a lot of memey nicknames. Sonic, Fast boi, Speed, Uber, Tall, Babe, and more but im too tired for this shit.

Hitoshi-_- -_- -_- -_- 

He calls you quite a few names that you aren't very appreciative of but are so done with his shit that you have given up on telling him to stop.

He calls you Puppet, Babe, Kitten, crackhead, Scary, Love, and more.

You call him nicknames that he is also tired of hearing but he's too lazy to tell you to stop. Insomniac, Caffeine addict, Cat Lover, Darling, Tomcat, and My Hero are what it sums up to.


He doesn't call you nicknames unless it's a special occassion. Or he's jealous.

The nicknames for those occassions consist of Molly (One of the words for female cat), Darling, Goddess, and Doll.

You ,however, call him plenty of names. Thus making up for him not calling you very many. You call him Handsome, Scruff, Sleeping Bag,  Dearest, Lover Boy, sleepy, Lazy, etc.


Thanks to everyone who actually decides to read my book. I know that I don't upload like I should but I'm going to try sinced I've had more inspiration recently than before. Again, thsnks for reading this chapter.

(691 words)

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