Embarrassing- 1A Boys +Shinsou x Reader

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This occurs in the future after U.A and everyone in 1-A is still in touch and good friends. Also Shinsou is replacing Mineta (:

Smol warning of suggestive actions in this one shot

P.O.V None

You were slowly coming to when you felt sunshine on your face and a pounding headache on its way.

The only thing that you remember from last night was that everyone from your graduating class was going to celebrate your birthday at Denki's house in secret because you were all famous pro heroes and didn't want paparazzi showing up to burst your hopefully awesome partying bubble. And heading over there and getting started on your first three vodka shots. The rest was history because you had NO clue what happened after that. 

You shot up and observed your surroundings, coming to the conclusion that you had blacked out and somehow ended up asleep on the dining table. It seemed to be that you were the first awake since there would be more noise if anyone else was awake. You got up and decided to see if anyone had left last night or earlier in the morning. walking through the kitchen and living room, along with the bathroom, it seemed everyone was accounted for. Except Denki, who was asleep in his room BUTT ASS nAkED. You then went to go make a pot or two of coffee for everyone when they woke up along with trying to find twenty mugs for said coffee.

Fifteen minutes later 

The Kitchen seemed to be clean now thanks to your amazing cleaning skills and you were looking on your phone when you heard laughing from the living room. You being you decided to go and check out who was laughing. It was Mina and Ochaco laughing at a video on Mina's phone. "What are you two laughing at?" In response, they laugh even harder. " Hold on.." Ochaco says, trying to catch her breathe, " We need everyone to see this video!" They then to proceed to go around and wake everyone up from their quiet and peaceful sleep. As soon as everyone was in one room and clothed, Mina streamed the video to the T.V. and started it.

The video started with all of the boys sitting in a line of chairs and all of them looking very determined. The order went in alphabetical order, so Aoyama, Bakugou, Iida, Kaminari, Kirishima, Koda, Midoriya, Ojiro, Sato, Sero, Shoji, Shinsou, Todoroki, and Tokoyami.

(The song at the top is what is being played in the background)

The song started and Y/n came into view  stretching and also looking very determined. As soon as the music started, Y/n was all over Aoyama giving him a lap dance and within fifteen seconds, she was onto Bakugou, and so on down the line until the song had ended. And You then heard counting coming from someone behind the camera. As soon as the counting got to 14, All of the girls started cheering and laughing and s c r e a m i n g the number 14.

Once the video was finished, you had a tomato instead of a face, While everyone else was wondering what the hell the situation was. That was when Jirou spoke up and decided to give her knowledge of the situation.

"Oh! I remember what happened." That gave everyone's attention to her faster than a car wreck.

With a smirk on her face, she recites what happened with perfect precision.


Y/n and Bakugou had been taking shots like no one's business until he had come up with a great idea to make a fool of herself. "OI Y/N!" He yelled over the music. "I have a challenge for you. If you can make every guy here hard, I'll take your next three shifts!" He said feeling very proud since he had a 99 to 1 odd of winning. Being the newly drunk she was, she took the challenge without thinking. She even chose a song to dance to. 

-End of Flashback-

" So in the end, You even gave Todoroki a boner! Hence why we were screaming and yelling about 14." Jirou finished explaining.

"Oh Yeah, I remember that vaguely," Todoroki adds, " I may be gay, but she does have a nice ass. It remind me of Mido-" " ANYWAYS, It looks like Kacchan has to do you next three hero shifts Y/n. Congrats..." he interrupted, and ended with being flustered to all hell.


Hi my wonderful, amazing readers. Sorry I haven't come out with anything else recently. I've been very lazy... But I hope this makes up for my lack of not updating. somehow I got the idea from said song at two thirty in the morning yesterday. I hope you enjoyed this even though it was very fucking stupid. I hope you come back soon to read more and I love you all so much!!!

Here is a smol Shin baby to hold you over until the next update

Here is a smol Shin baby to hold you over until the next update

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