~Chapter One~ A New Beginning

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A young, lonely blonde boy lay lifeless in the forest on the cold, hard, slightly damp ground covered in leaves. Autumn had come and he had yet to be found. Until now, as a young brunette boy walked through the woods as a means of a shortcut to the marketplace.

The boy walked with a skip in his step and a hum as he voyaged. His foot hit something, he stopped and looked down to see what this something was, as it obviously wasn't a rock, it was much too soft for that. His eyes widened as he drew in a sharp breath, seeing the sight that lay before him. The body of a once beautiful and deceitful young blonde boy lay sprawled before him with an unrecognizable face for his head was destroyed; smashed. Dried blood coated the boy's head and had seeped all over him before death while the blood was still fresh and liquid leaving a coppery sent instead, the sent that now filled the air around the lifeless body was wretched and reeked of rot and decay signaling that the boy had been here for some time.

The young brunette boy let out a shrill shriek before bending over and retching. The rotten scent and sight had caused the boy to do so. Tears spilled from the boy's eyes and streamed down his now deathly pale cheeks. He had been deprived of all color and had now turned a sickly pale color from the sight displayed before him.

Quick footsteps could faintly be heard drawing nearer.

"You there," a voice sounded from behind the boy, "were you the one who screamed?" The person asked, clearly out of breath, his voice obviously male and coated thickly with worry and concern.

The boy spun around quickly with bewildered eyes to face the strange man.

The man noticed his tear-stained face and knew the answer already, he also noticed how sickly pale the boy was and that he had been retching.

"W-what, what is it?" The man asked, panicked.

His eyes darted behind the boy to find the discernible sight. He gasped and stepped back nearly frozen to his spot, eyes now bewildered as well. Fear and shock ran through the young boy and the middle aged man at the unsightly scene displayed before their very eyes.


The boy along with the man now sat imfront of a detective still shaking, both as pale as ghosts.

"Alright, young man. Can tell me how, exactly, you found the boy?" Asked the detective.

"I was just on my way to the m-market place, I was using a sh-shortcut." The boy stuttered out shakily.

The detective looks over to the man, "And you, sir? How did you stumble upon this scene?" He inquired.

"I-I just hear a scream and was looking for the source. A-and that's what I saw. . ." the man answered.

The detective nods, writing in his notepad as they answered.

"Alright, I've got everything I need. I'll let you two be on your ways now." Said the detective.

The two shakily nod and stand as the detective stands as well.

"Don't worry, Scotland Yard will take care of it." He assured them.

They nod again, still a sickly pale. The detective nods as well and walks to the door. When he puts his hand on the door knob, be turns to them for second, "Take care." He said, then went on his way.

The two also leave and part ways, neither being able to quite recover from what they had witnessed.


As the boy lay there covered, alone, dead, still on the forest floor, much more is going on up above.

"I don't care how 'innocent' he may be at heart, he did what he did, and that is that!" Shouted Albion, slamming his fist on the table.

Alicia stood, "Albion, please, calm down. Just hear her out. I do believe she has a point. A point that we should listen to." She spoke softly in a calm, serene voice.

Albion stood as well, slaming both hands on the table, "I don't care, that boy did horrible things, made horrible choices, had horrible things happen! He is much too impure!" He shouted, enraged.

"Those things that 'happened to him' were not his fault! Do NOT speak as though they were! I know he made horrible choices, but he is pure, innocent, his reasons, as well, were innocent!" Celia shouted at him, now enraged as well.

"If he had a second chance at life, if we could at least do this much, you'd see. This boy was wronged so many times, in so many ways, and who he really was . . . it's hard to believe anyone could do such horrid things to him. He DESERVES this. He didn't have a chance to begin with. He never even had a chance. So, this wouldn't even be a 'second chance', it'd be more like a first chance, for him." She concluded.

Albion was silent. Gritting his teeth and deep in thought, looking a bit hesitant and remorseful for more things than one. He sat back down and didn't speak.

Alicia sighed and sat as well. "You may continue." She addressed Celia.

Celia puffed up her chest proudly and a little arrogant as well, "I think I have made my point clear enough. This boy deserves a second chance at life - a new beginning."

Give Me A Chance {Cielois}Where stories live. Discover now