Chapter 6

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Art from Sandy-sides on Tumblr

Third Person POV

When the three sides returned to their home in the Mindscape, they were still shaken from their previous encounter. Patton, in particular, couldn't accept that Virgil left. His first move when he arrived at home was to go to Virgil's room. Roman and Logan saw him go, a sad look on their face. As Patton was entering the hall where all their rooms were, he saw Virgil's door, but something was off. Wasn't Virgil's door black ? The door he saw at the end of the hall was grey. As he approached the door, it seemed as the color was... fading. Patton then realized and rushed the last meters that separated him and the door. The door was already light grey. Patton tried to open the door, but he soon realized the door knob was missing. Panicking going through him, he started banging on the fadding door like an insane man.

- No no no nononononono NO!

Logan and Roman were now on the other side of the hall, looking at him now banging on the wall. The door was gone. 

Patton, now a crying mess, fell on the floor and started hugging his knees. He was hiding his head, repeating over and over that it wasn't real, that it couldn't be.

At this sight, Logan wished he truly couldn't feel emotions. This was painful for him to watch. He didn't let his sadness show, he wanted to be strong for Patton. He slowly approached the moral trait and squat next to him, putting his hand on his back as to comfort him. Patton was still crying, Remus' words going through his head again and again.

- Were we that toxic for him?! How could I be so blind?! He came for help, my help, he told me his pain and me, like an idiot, I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me! Heck! I told him to continue to suffer! I will never forgive myself!

Guilt was the only emotion he could feel at that moment. Roman couldn't watch this scene anymore, he went to his room. Logan was about to say something, but Patton was still rambling.

- I thought... I thought he meant it was difficult for him to... not act like... a dark side... that doing the right thing wasn't easy for him... Oh my god, Remus was so right, I hate myself so badly right now! And thinking that I'm morality...

And Patton was crying harder. For once, Logan didn't know what to do. Normally, in this kind of situation, he'd go get Patton to resolve the situation, but this is Patton. His mind was running, what would Patton do in such position? The logical trait opened his arms and gave Patton a hug. It first surprised the moral trait, but he quickly buried his head into Logan's chest, sobbing loudly. His shirt quickly became wet, but he didn't mind. He started caressing Patton's hair, whispering him that everything was going to be alright.

Suddenly, as Patton was having a breakdown, the two traits felt something trying to raise them. Logan realized that Thomas was trying to summon them. He didn't want to go, so he tried to fight the invisible force to stay in the Mindscape. The force suddenly became stronger, Thomas was insisting that they come. He didn't have a choice anymore, and both of them appeared in Thomas' living room, in the same position as they were in the Mindscape, Patton in Logan's arms. Roman was already there, in his usual spot, his arms crossed and a gloomy look on his face. The moral trait didn't look around him, his head still in Logan's chest. The logical trait, on the other hand, was looking directly at Thomas. 

Their host looked even worse than Patton. He was clearly panicking, his eyes were red, he wasn't crying, but it looked like he was minutes ago. When Thomas noticed Logan and Patton, he looked even more worried. 

- What IS going ON GUYS?! Can someone tell me why I've been feeling so badly for the past hour?! And, for the love of god, why was I having such dark thoughts?! What did you guys do in my head?! 

He then turned to the stairs.

- And where the HELL is Virgil?!

Hearing the anxious trait's name made Patton sob more loudly. Clearly overwhelmed, Logan looked at Roman and silently asked him for help. The fanciful trait understood and took Logan's place, comforting Patton in his arms. Logan got up, trying to make himself presentable, but he soon realized his shirt was wet and looking horrible anyway. He sighed and tried to resume to Thomas what had happened.

Thomas didn't want to believe what Logan told him. 

- I don't believe you, you're lying, you can't be telling the truth. Please tell me this is a really bad joke.

Thomas then tried to summon Virgil. Nothing happened. He tried, and tried, and tried, but no one came. He heard Logan behind him, but couldn't stop trying.

- Thomas... You can only summon sides who are in your consciousness, in the Mindscape if you prefer. Virgil went back into your subconscious with the dark si--... with the others. He won't come Thomas.

Thomas' panic only grew at Logan's words. How could he regulates his anxiety without Virgil?! He turned around and looked directly into Logan's eyes.

- We need to get him back.

899 words

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