Chapter 8

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Art by WordlessEcho on DA

Third Person POV


It took the three sides some time to convince Thomas to go to sleep. All he wanted was to go find Virgil, but his sides thought it would be wiser for him to rest first. In his current state, he definitely wouldn't be able to do much. He finally gave in and went to his bed.

The next day, Thomas was still tired, but at least he was emotionally stable. Good enough, he thought. The first thing he did in the morning was summoning the three sides again in his living room. He would be lying if he said he didn't try to summon Virgil too. The three sides appear, better looking than the day before. They were all looking confident, even Patton. Clearly, they had a plan, and it filled Thomas with determination. Logan was the first to talk.

- Good morning Thomas. We have important matters to discuss, but first I must ask, how are you feeling today?

- I'm fine, I'm fine, already better than yesterday. So, what's the plan? How do we get Virgil back?

Thomas was clearly getting impatient, he just wanted this to be over, to everything to be like before. 

- Of course, the plan. We had a lot of time last night to discuss what we could do to resolve this situation, and we came to the conclusion that the way to approach the situation would be for you to come with us in the Darkspace. We determined that you are the person with the most probabilities to convince Virgil to come back. 

Thomas glared at Logan with a confused look.

- But... Didn't you say yesterday that I couldn't access what's in the Darkspace since it's in my subconscious?

- Yes, but we made some... research, and we believe to have found a way for you to access your subconscious.

Logan cleared his throat and began explaining.

- Thomas, have you ever heard of hypnosis? It is believed to be a way to make one access what's in their subsconcious.

The confused look on Thomas' face only grew.

- Hypnosis? Really? Coming from Roman, I would've understood, but the fact that you endorse this idea surprises me.

Logan sighed and replaced his glasses on his face.

- It is true that this method is not proven scientifically. To be fair, nothing you seem to be experiencing with us was scientifically researched. I've looked and looked and looked, no one else seem to interact directly with the different parts of themselves or have these different parts represented through multiple individuals.

- Well, there's...

Roman started to talk, but he was quickly cut by Logan, shouting and pointing at him.

- And for the last time, NO, Inside Out is NOT a reliable source of information.

Roman crossed his arms and mumbled something, visibly mad. It made Patton giggles a little. Logan then repositioned his tie and continued.

- Thus, I've turned to... less conventional methods to determine a way for you to accompany us to journey to your subconscious.

Thomas sighed, but decided to give this idea a shot. As he sat down on a chair, he told them that he still thought this idea was ridiculous. Logan started to grow annoyed.

- Do we try Mr Sanders or not?

- Don't call me that! And yes, let's get over it...

Logan took a pocket watch out of his... pocket. He instructed Thomas to concentrate all of his attention on the watch and on his voice. Thomas nodded.

Logan began to balance the pocket watch back and forth. He started to speak slowly and with a caring voice.

Focus on your breathing. Synchronize it with the movement of the watch in front of you.

Let your body sink naturally down as your muscles relax. 

You feel yourself sink into the chair, your eyelids start to feel heavy.

Listen to your body and my voice as you begin to feel calm.

Thomas did as he was told, his eyes focussing on the watch and on Logan's voice. At one point, he couldn't understand what he was saying. He didn't realize that his eyes were starting to close.


He suddenly came back to his senses. He looked around him to see his apartment, but something was off. It was familiar, but different at the same time. He wondered where his sides were. He got up and started to look around, a worrying look on his face. 

Then, three heads popped up in front of him. 

- It worked! It worked! Thomas is in the Mindscape!

Patton was cheering, Logan looked satisfied and Roman was jumping around like an excited kid. His excitement spread to Thomas, who was now also jumping around.

- I can't believe it?! I'm in my head?! Hurray!

 He looked around again.

- So, this is where you guys live? I must say this looks a lot like my apartment, but more... colorful?

The walls were covered with pictures that seemed to represent recent memories. Thomas was impressed. The pictures kept changing, some disappearing, other staying. They were all took from his point of view. Logan explained to him that those represented his short time memory. 

- Those are the memories you can access from your consciousness. These are all really recent, older memories go to long term memory, which is located in your subconscious. If you want, I could explain to you how your memo--

- Not now Nerdy Wolverine, Roman interrupted, We got more important matters to attend.

Logan apologised. It was true, they had to go get Virgil.

With determination in his eyes, Thomas pointed to the door leading outside.

- To my subconscious!

917 words

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