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It all started on a normal day like any other.

Four friends were happily teasing and talking with each other, not unlike any other group of young wizards around the neighborhood. The town they reside in, however, wasn't quite the same as anything any traveler had ever seen before. Not that there was anything particularly interesting about the scenery in the general area. Perhaps it is the old buildings that seem to be both new and faded, or maybe it's the old park in the center of town, with its worn out swings and rusted metal slide that creaks with the slightest gust of wind.

No one could really say for sure if the difference was a bad thing, but, what ever the case, the whole town seemed both oblivious and uninterested in the otherwise notable sense of mystery and untold truths felt to anyone who happened to pass the town boundary line.

Our four protagonists pause in their teasing to reminisce in the memory of the first time they met as children, several years ago.

"Hey Levy, do you remember when you first introduced us to the group? That day was so long ago," Lucy inquires, brushing her long blonde hair out of her face with her fingers as she looks at the petite blue-haired girl in front of her.

"Oh Lu, that was forever ago, back when you and Juvia were new members of the guild?" Levy looses herself in the memory as the other girls catch on to the conversation.

Erza, a tall, red-headed woman, with stubbornly formal tendencies, smiles sincerely and adds, "Yes, I remember it well. That was the day after we finished rebuilding the guild hall. Levy was stuck at a table with a book most of the day, until you found out that our third dragon slayer had joined the guild."

They all chuckled at that. Levy has always had an odd obsession with books and reading. To be honest, it really hasn't changed at all from that time long ago. Even now Levy can be found with a book that looks far too large for her tiny form sitting in a strange position on her lap, a faded black bookmark nestled somewhere toward the center of the book.

The other girls, having noticed this, giggled a bit more before Levy shot them all a playful glare, "It was right after you had finally managed to calm her down when I saw you both and introduced myself," Juvia added to the memories.

"Then we all snuck away to our table to read the story book." Hidden from the eyes of snoopy guild members, it was the perfect place to become engrossed with the stories.

"Levy," Erza suddenly asks, "Do you still happen to have that book?"

Levy stills for a moment, thinking.

"Actually, I might!" She moves the giant book from her lap-not without some struggle- and jumps up from her previous seat on the couch next to Juvia.

The other girls waited excitedly, chattering about random happenings around town. The sudden rise in visiting relatives, for instance. It seems that the sudden increase in jobs is a direct result of this strange occasion.

"Lu, Juvia, Erza come quick!" Levy shouted urgently.

The useless chatter instantly ceased as all three girls rushed in the direction the petite bookworm went, the attic.

"Levy?! What is it?! What's wrong?!" Erza beat the other two into the musty room and instantly a very audible gasp came from her tall frame.

After a great deal of struggle Juvia and Lucy managed to push the redhead aside so they could squeeze into the room. When they finally made it neither of them could believe their eyes.

The whole dusty attic was bathed in a bright, magical light. It seemed to swallow everything whole as the girls stood there in shock.

Erza was the first to snap out of her shock. "Levy, what is going on? What is causing this?"

"It's the book, Erza! The book of fairytales! Something's wrong! They're missing-" Levy tried to warn them but the book started producing winds near the speed of a hurricane, drowning out her words.

Papers and random clutter flew around the room in a whirlwind of debris.

"Levy! Girls, we have to get out of here, fast!" Erza shouted over the wind. But before they could run the light grew to blinding levels and the girls' visions went black.

Fairytales with Fairy Tail (part 2) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now