Chapter 2: abused?

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"Hey bro" Louis said, and put his hand up for Zayn to high five. Zayn scrunched down in his seat and whimpered. Did he think he was going to hit him? "What? What's his problem?" Louis asked. "Leave him alone. C'mon, sit down before the teacher comes." I told him, and led him to a seat next to me.

Many other students entered, and the teacher did soon after. "Hello class! I'm Mr. Abodd" he told the class. I looked at Zayn, and our eyes met. I smiled at him, and. He returned a tiny smile, and then looked away. Well that was a start.

Fast forward to lunch

I sat with Louis and Liam and some of their friends, but I was focused on Zayn, who was sitting alone at an empty table in the corner. "Hey Louis, can you come over today?" I asked. "No, sorry bro, I have plans." He said.

Fast forward to the end of school

It turns out Zayn and I have all our classes together but one. When the bell rings, I grab my stuff from my locker, and go out the back door. Only one other person goes the same way. That's right, it was Zayn. He started walking in the other direction, so I jogged over to him and put my hand on his arm, making him whimper.

What? Did I hurt him? "It's just me" I told him. He looked at me, then put his hand up to put a hand through his hair, making his sleeves roll down, revealing cuts and bruises. "Who did this to you?!" I asked, trying to touch his arm. He backed away from me. "I... I have to go" he said, then left quickly. I was left in shock. Was he getting bullied at school? Or worse... At home? I walked home in confusion and dizziness.

<<[Zayn's POV]>>

How did I let him see? Bad Zayn. When I got home I squeezed my tail with anxiety and frustration. My family wasn't home yet, so I walked to the basement (a.k.a. My room) and lay down. Soon after, I heard footsteps.

My family was home. I heard two people come down the stairs. It was two of my sisters. "Hey look, it's that stupid cat" one of them said to the other. I curled up in a ball, and felt them kick my sides repeatedly, knocking the wind out of me. This was becoming normal for me.


Poor Zaynie :(

Dun't worry, Niall will help evvvvverrrrthhaannggg


Wait what? I didn't say nothin why are you looking at me

It's rude to stare ya know

Well bye bye boo bears (that's right your my boo bears now)

Peace Love and Carrots!

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