The Gravest Battle

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"We have to go," he said simply to you, smashing the window to your bedroom rather than the normal careful opening he always did. His suit wasn't normal. It was a darker, it looked colder, almost like it was made of metal.

"Peter- what the- what are you talking about?" You jumped slightly, not really expecting him to be here. He looked over you shoulder at the laptop displaying the sight over downtown Manhattan. "They said no one is to leave-"

He came over to you at your desk, grabbed your hands tightly and pulled his mask off of his face. You could clearly see the fear in his brown eyes and it chilled you to your very core.

"Mr. Stark needs me. I have to help stop it- stop him. But I have to get you out of here first. Now, come on."


"I'm not losing you too, damn it, [Y/N.] Please, Mr. Stark has an escape plan for you and May and anyone else too close. Ned and May are already there."
You could hear the pain in his voice and you knew he was thinking about Ben. He held onto your face, like he was desperate, like he needed you to trust his plan, trust that everything would be okay. So, you nodded and allowed him to pull you through the window with him.

And then the chaos started.

Peter tried his best to get down from your seventh floor apartment, but the ground was shaking, the buildings moving and falling in on themselves. He jumped, you on his back, and swung between the buildings until for the sixth time, you had almost fallen. A scream escaped your lips as you saw what you were headed towards. "Peter- what is- what- is that a freaking building that guy just moved?"

Thanos had seen the webslinger and wanted to take him out- you on his back was simply another casualty in the coarse of destroying the Avenger's. Peter knew that you were in serious trouble now and he landed on the ground with a metallic thud, similar to that of Iron Man.


He held onto your hand tightly, the new cold hard iron of his suit chilling you to the bone. He led you through the streets, trying to make it to the awaiting quinjet, Aunt May waving frantically at you as the city crumbled behind you. Your side ached as you struggled to breathe. "P-Peter-" you choked out, dust settling in your lungs as your city burned.

"We're almost there- too dangerous to travel any other way- you can do this. Just a bit-"

And then his hand was gone, ripped away faster than should've been possible. You halted in your tracks, fingers empty and looked around you. He was just here. He was just holding your hand. What in the- "Peter!" you called out, your voice strained. You saw cars on fire, you saw Steve fighting off one of the monsters that came with this battle, you saw Wanda down on her knees, trying to catch her breath, but where was Peter?

"PETER!" You yelled again, louder this time, you feet carrying you back, away from May, away from the safety of the jet Clint was piloting. Your boyfriend was missing, but he was just holding your hand, and now- where had he gone? You scrambled up a nearby fire escape, eyes scanning as far as you could possibly see in this chaos.

And then you saw him, the giant purple guy who had thrown a building at you moments before, holding someone down by their throat. The small figure was squirming, fighting trying to get away, but it was no use. The man was too strong. And then you saw the white eyes, and heard May's petrified scream. A shiver ran down your spine and you knew. It was Peter. You didn't think, you didn't stop, you jumped down from the fire escape and looked around you. Wanda was closest.

Running over to her, you pulled her to her feet and tugged her to follow you. "Have to- he has Peter! Wanda! Help me," you cried as you ran towards the large purple and gold figure. Tony Stark landed next to you as you ran. Go faster, go faster...

"[Y/N]! Get to the jet with May! What are you-"

"I'm trying to save Peter!" You screamed a you ran, pushing yourself harder and harder.

Tony stopped dead, but only for a second before he took off into the air, Thanos and Peter only seconds away from you now. Thanos turned and smiled at you and Wanda before releasing the still struggling Peter from his grasp.

Peter lay on the ground, fighting for breath and Tony landed next to him, picking up his head and popping the mask off. You smiled as you saw Peter's lips move, he was talking- he would be okay-

"So, the girlfriend and the witch think they can save the day?" The deep voice of Thanos chuckled and his gaze landed on you. Wanda put a hand out in front of her and you saw Peter sit up, his gaze flicking between you and Thanos. You had to get away, that was clear.

You took a step backwards and Thanos merely made one small flick with his wrist, causing the ground to split beneath your feet. You fell fast, your scream only lasting about five seconds before the sickening crack sound echoed through Peter's ears.

Peter stared at the spot where you vanished from, his eyes wide, that nasty smack echoing in his mind. How could this have happened? You were supposed to be on the jet- he had been ripped from you but he was sure you had run to the jet-

"Peter," Tony's voice rang through his ears, snapping him back to his current situation and the young boy narrowed his eyes at Thanos, his blood boiling. "Peter, get to the jet-"

Peter screamed in anger and pulled his mask back on. He would win this fight, the other Avengers by his side. But he wasn't going to win it for them. "No." His voice was dangerously steady as he continued staring at Thanos who seemed to be sizing up the boy before him. "You will fight to avenge the world. I'm fighting to avenge her."

Tony looked at him and nodded. "Barton, get that get out of here. Avengers-"

The voice of Steve Rodgers filled Peter's ears next. "Assemble."

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