This Love

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"Clear blue water, high tide came and brought you in..."

It should have always been a good thing: you and Peter. There was no reason for you to think otherwise. You had met at the young age of thirteen, when Peter had crashed into you, literally, while running to catch the bus for school. You had fallen to the ground, the cold, wet and dirty cement of the New York sidewalks rather uncomfortable through your new jeans. Your books were everywhere, and above you, a pair of soft brown eyes and curly brown hair that immediately made your heart flutter in a weird way.

This compromising position had, of course, led to an awkward stumbled apology, the boy pushing off of you and reaching out to help you stand, you insisting it was okay, a mad scramble to pick up the books that had fallen from your hands, and then both of you missing the bus. He had smiled awkwardly at you and you smiled warmly back, tucking your hair behind your ear, "I'm [Y/N]."

"P-Peter," he introduced himself.

Ever since that day, the two of you had practically be inseparable. You had your love for science, and Peter, being the adorable boy that he was, talked about it for hours on end with you. And now here you guys were, aged sixteen, the newest dance looming in your future, your feelings for each other growing to be more than just friendship and you found yourself wishing Peter would take you.

"I'm just saying," you had continued, chattering his ear off as he dug for a new textbook in his locker, "is that social protocol demands that we go to this stupid winter formal thingy- and so does photography. You should take someone rather than go alone."

He closed his locker and looked at you. "You know what happened last time I took a girl to a dance," he said dryly. All you did was roll your eyes.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't try to help you."

"This love left a permanent mark..."

He hadn't gotten your hints. But you hadn't really expected him to either. So, you settled for taking action yourself. You showed up to his apartment the day of the dance already in your dress and knocked on the door. May answered you a moment later, a wide smile on your face.

"Hey, May, have you seen my camera?" Peter called, rounding the corner from his bedroom, pausing when he saw you. May stepped aside and you entered the apartment, suddenly shy. You bowed your head down a little bit, looking down at the soft red dress you had chosen and small golden spider necklace he had gotten you for your birthday last year. You blushed slightly. He cleared his throat, causing you to look up again. "Wow," he breathed. "You.. You look amazing."

May had left the room to look for Peter's camera and you walked closer to him. "What do you say, Spidey? Take a girl to the dance?"

He let out a wonderful laugh that made your heart practically sing. "I'd love to take my girl to the dance," he smiled, brushing a stray hair from your face and gently placing a finger on the delicate charm. You blushed and he leaned his forehead on yours, both of your hearts racing. May came back into the room then.

"I found the camera!"

You had quickly jumped apart and felt your face flush. Peter grabbed your hand, giving it a firm squeeze and interlaced your fingers together. This was a gesture that was really in no way new, but felt completely foreign today, given the new feelings surfacing. It was wrong but oh, so right at the same time.

And so together, you left for the dance, fingers tangled together, nerves filling the both of you and a new future blooming beautifully before you.

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