It was Always You

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Peter Parker had promised to always be your best friend, to never waver in his devotion to your friendship, and to always always always tell you everything about him. "Secrets don't keep friends," he'd said, he'd promised. But promises faded with time, and it was only a few short years after that when he started to drift from your life.

"Pete, what's going on?" You'd asked him, his face bruised, his eyes heavily hooded from apparent lack of sleep, but his grin bigger than ever before.

"Huh? Oh- n-nothing, just, you know... I mean, it's-" he sighed. "Flash again," he said softly, obviously trying to avoid the topic. "What should we do tonight huh? Movie marathon, or-"

But he stopped talking. His eyes darted to your window, staring out into the distance of the New York skyline, his jaw setting tightly, something like worry flashing in his eyes. "I have to go," he'd said, his body already moving towards your door.

"Pete, what-"

"I'll see you later! Promise!"

Another promise he broke. Another promise you believed. Secrets don't keep friends, andI'll see you later. It echoed through your head day in and day out because this was Peter Parker. Sweet, innocent, too good for his own good Peter Parker who just wanted to do what was right and kept the biggest secrets of all.

Funny, you thought, sitting on the cold stool in the kitchen of Avengers tower. Funny how he kept the biggest secrets from you, when you tried so many times to tell him yours. Funny how Peter Parker turned out to be the one to break your heart because he thought you couldn't be trusted with his secrets. Funny how you knew them anyways, and still he was nowhere to be seen.


"Hey, [Y/N], you okay?"

Your head snapped up, meeting with the eyes of Tony Stark as he entered the kitchen, the moonlight still providing the only light to the room. It was 3:30 AM and you'd been woken abruptly by a dream about Peter, and though you'd wished to be alone, it was nice having someone up with you.

"Fine," you murmured softly, pulling your mug closer to you, watching Tony through your lashes as he opened the fridge, pouring himself a glass of water, his eyes staying trained on you the whole time. He had been your mentor for a few years now, helping you join ranks with the Avengers as your powers had surfaced. The power of memories was a blessing and a curse, something you'd been quick to learn in battle. But tonight, they were your enemy.

"What's going on in that head, kid?"



He used to call Peter that. You could hear it in his head, all the time, both of them. Peter looked up to this man that stood before you, had wanted so desperately to be accepted as a part of the team that you were now on, and it was that which had driven your friendship apart- that had ended the beginnings of a promising relationship.

"I don't get it, Peter! Why can't you just tell me what's going on!"

"Because! If you know, then you're involved and that's too dangerous!" His eyes were searching you, begging you to trust him, to just roll with it, but you were done with that.

"No, Peter, I don't think that's it. Do you trust me?"

He scoffed at this, his eyes actually rolling back in his head as he tugged at his curly brown hair. "Do I trust you? Do you hear yourself? Of course I trust you!"

You just shook your head at this, willing him to tell you his secret, one you were sure you already knew, but one that had to come from him anyways. "Then tell me what you're hiding. Or I walk out that door, Peter."

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