Chapter 11

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"I heard you had a rough night," Coen said rather gently for him as he walked into the room. Kai had locked Hill up after the incident to let him cool down in peace. Hill hadn't been able to watch the men beat up a child for five minutes. Even knowing he was going to live. It had taken three men to drag Hill away and Ma to stop him fighting altogether. He had been chained up originally but by the looks of it had broken out of them pretty quickly. He still had the collar that had been put on him though. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked awkwardly. It was not a normal thing for Coen to offer to talk.

"You sure you haven't got a transmitter?" Hill growled. "That sounds like the latest M-update to me."

"Pretty damn sure," Coen snorted, taking in the room. It was mostly trashed, not there was a lot in the room to begin with. It looked distinctly like a wild animal had trashed the room. Hill looked a bit like one as well, curled into a corner, his shoulders hunched over protectively. He exhaled and walked over, sitting down next to Hill. "They trying to tame the savages?"

"More like help the wolves control the sheep," Hill murmured, not looking at Coen. He was not naive nor had he forgotten his time with the gang. His blood called for him to be here. And yet... He knew what the gang was like. How it worked, what it dealt in... the guns and drugs were one thing. Heck, the whores and murders of adults he could put up with. But he couldn't watch a teenager, innocent or not, be almost killed. Adults were different but this kids crime had been wanting justice for his sister.

"Hill," Coen said calmly, bumping their knees together to get his attention. "The kid's fine. Hurt, injured and scared but alive. Unlike most snitches," he said idly.

"He wasn't a snitch," Hill pointed out darkly.

"He went to the police before us," Coen shrugged. "You can't do that and expect not to be punished in some way. People need to have their priorities straight. I'm sorry this came up so soon."

"Xin made a comment about how it's my turn soon," Hill said, fiddling with the broken chains in his hands. "At least I stand half a chance in the ring."

"Xin doesn't know shit." Coen declared, eyes taking in Hill's stance. "He was certainly there during the planning meeting but only me and Kai know what the plan is for you. Surprisingly, it's not watching everyone get beat up in the ring of fire. Now, fancy giving me a blow job?"

Hill just looked at him.

"What?" Coen shrugged loosely, "Worth a shot. Look Hill, you will get your punishment for lying to us when you're well and not on five different pills to heal up. I wouldn't worry about it until it happens." Coen stood up, dusting off his knees as he did so. He offered his hand to Hill. "Ma named you as family. She wants you to work for us. So stop looking like someone's going to chop you to pieces."

Hill warily took the hand, leaving the useless chains behind on the ground. Coen twisted his hand slightly looking at Hill's bloody knuckles with a chuckle and look of approval. Hill went to yank his hand out of the man's grip but Coen pulled him up and gave a rough but tight hug. Engulfing Hill in muscles and warmth. After a moment of Coen not actually groping him, Hill actually enjoyed the hug. He buried his face in Coen's shoulder and let himself relax for a moment. Coen had plenty of chances to hurt him and hadn't yet. He could trust Coen, somewhat. Properly.

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