Practice Addict

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He dances like the stars.

I'd expected him to be good, but I didn't expect this. This— This was impossible. It was impossible to be this beautiful, this graceful.

He defines elegance.

The hisses and murmurs when Jimin had come up on stage masked quickly turns into excited shrieks and gasps as the music begins.

I stand there frozen with shock as I see his eyes glimmer towards me, before shifting away teasingly. What had happened to the I can't do this, Minah?

The music ends too quickly— I could've watched him dance for hours on end, captivated with every motion he makes.

And by the end of his performance, I know he will be top of our class— top of our school, no doubt. He'd beat the seniors without a blink of his eye.

"Jimin!" I call as he comes down the steps, his mask now gone as he smiles brightly at me. Even though he'd worried about dancing in front of people, I had no doubt he'd enjoyed his performance.

I'd enjoyed it for sure.

"You idiot!" I playfully hiss as I tug on his sleeve. "You should've told me you were this good from the start!"

"Do you think I'll make it?" He asks nervously, and I stare at him in awe.

"You're making it, for sure." I tell him, and his expression relaxes. "Jimin! I can't believe you're so amazing at dance! Now everyone's talking about the sexy masked dancer at the audition."

His face blushes lightly as he hands me the dark mask, and I giggle at him.

"Now just you wait for Instructor Lim."


"Who's the one who wore the mask yesterday?!"

The instructor yells, and Jimin immediately flinches back with a terrified expression. I didn't blame him— the instructor was the scariest guy I'd ever met.

"Yah! Min Yoongi! Stop sleeping around!"

From the corner, Yoongi lazily raises his head as he smirks at the frustrated instructor.

"What do you mean? I'm the masked dancer, you know. So leave me alone."

"Sure as hell you are," The instructor hisses as the mint-haired boy relaxes back to sleep. "If someone doesn't step up right away, I'm giving all of you detention!"

"It's okay," I whisper to Jimin as he stares at the fuming man. "Go ahead, Jimin. You're not in trouble."

He nods slightly.

"Uh— it's me, sir." He tells him, and I smile like a proud mother when his eyes narrow at the sight of Jimin.

"You're the one masked yesterday?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then dance."

Jimin swallows, finding my gaze as he looks over all the interested looks the other students give him. I catch a few shooting him dirty glances, and bite my lip.

It's okay.

I mouth, and I see him take a deep breath as he closes his eyes.

Then he dances, and I can hear the Instructor's breath hitch in amazement. The smile that's been tugging on my lips grow even wider as Jimin flawlessly completes the spin I'd worked three months to do.

My Sleeping Partner | P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now