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Bed time was here and Charles was getting fussy, they'd have to paint his room tomorrow and hopefully Fred could come by and help FP again. He really wanted to make the trailer as homey as he could for Alice and Charles.

"FP? Can you give Charles a bath? Get him all ready for bed and then I'll feed him and put him here in the play pen? I guess tomorrow you and Fred are going to have to set up his room so we can transition him to his new crib, I'll just feed him when you're done, I need to tidy up the bedroom."

"Course babe."

He got up and picked Charles up from the play pen.

"Come on buddy, let's go have a bath and head to bed, it's been a long day huh?"

Charles just took FPS face in his little chubby hands and grinned at him.

He grabbed Charles baby bath and put it in the tub and then turned the water on the right temperature, he's bathed Charles once before with Alices supervision though, but he figured it couldn't be too hard.

He had a dirty diaper so he undressed him and cleaned him up before putting him in the tub. He got his soap and cloth and lathered it up and started washing him.

"Al?" He yelled.


"Can you just come grab this dirty diaper?"

"Course, coming."

She took the dirty diaper from the bathroom and threw it out outside, so it wouldn't smell up the trailer and then went to their bedroom to slip into her pyjamas and put the paint supplies away, she grabbed FPS pyjamas, then went to Charles room to grab his lotion, diaper, wipes, and footie pyjamas and brought them to the living room. She grabbed the pillows and blanket for them and opened the couch so it was a bed, moved Charles play pen to the side and made their bed. Just as she finished FP came out to the living room with Charles.

"Someone is all cleaned and ready for a feed! Aren't you baby?" FP exclaimed.

"His pyjamas and diaper and what not are right there on the table. Get him fixed up while I go brush my teeth and wash up? Then I'll be back to feed him."

She walked away before FP could answer, brushed her teeth and washed her face and by the time she was done Charles was ready for a feed.

"Come here baby, let's get you fed."

Charles just started babbling.

FP saw his pyjamas so he slipped them on and took his, Alices and Charles dirty clothes and put them in the laundry basket then went to wash himself up as well.

Alice sat back and started to feed Charles, his feedings were longer because he was almost 6 months and was for sure going through a growth spurt.

FP came back and laid down in bed beside them, just content to watch their son eat. He couldn't believe he was a father to this sweet perfect little boy.

"God I love both of you, so much."

"We love you too, don't we Charles?"

Charles just looked at Alice and tapped his little fist on her chest.

"He's looking like he's drifting off, he should be done soon then you can lay him down."

Charles finished shortly after so FP took him from Alice and she fixed her top and laid down, she gave Charles a kiss and FP laid him down in the play pen.

"Night night buddy."

He slipped into bed beside Alice and pulled her close to him, she laid her head on his chest and quickly drifted off.

"Night baby, I love you."

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