I Know You

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While Kageyama was lost in thought Toka and Hinata return with your drinks.

"I swear Kageyama is such a baby the only thing the guy drinks is milk!" Hinata explained to you.

You chuckle and look at Kageyama he still lost in thought. You look back at your notes and books. "Well should we start?" You smile.

That breaks Kageyama out of his trance and puts his attention back on you.

"Yeah let's start!" Toka and Hinata say at the same time.

*After about an hour of studying*

"Wow I seem to catch it way better when you teach it (f/n)-chan." Hinata smiled.

"I'm glad I could help Sho-chan" you smile back.

"Thanks for teaching us (l/n)-san." Kageyama said as he looked at you. You smile and nod.

"You can call me (f/n) if you want Kageyama-kun." You say with a blush.

"Uh ok sure then you can call me whatever ok." He said as he got up.

"Crap we gotta go to volleyball practice! Come on Kageyama!" Hinata said as he stuffed all his things in his bag.

With a wave they both left and it was just you and Toka. You could feel her staring into your soul.....

"What Toka?" You said as you broke the silence.

"Nothing I was just wondering what you guys were talking about.~" she smirked.

"He just said that my shirt was nice." You said shyly.

"Awwwwww (f/n)!!!!."

"He looked lost after he said that to me"

"Maybe he was trying to figure out where he has seen you!?"

"No I don't think so oh well starting over doesn't seem bad to me" you smile.

"Ok just don't get sad over it ok?"

"I won't"

"You can always come to my house and eat ice cream if you want?"

"You read my mind Toka."

With that the two of you walked to Toka's house to enjoy some ice cream.

*Meanwhile at practice*

"You guys got to go on a date with (f/n)??!!! Tanaka and Noya said as they shook Hinata and jumped on Kageyama.

"It wasn't a date she was teaching us English." Kageyama said with irritation.

"He's just shy about it" Suga said as he joined in the teasing.

"I am not! It just wasn't a date besides if I did have the opportunity it wouldn't be a double date." Kageyama said bluntly.

"Ooooowaaaaa so you do like her!" Hinata laughed.

"I just met her dumbass how can I like her? She is pretty and smart." Kageyama says.

"So what you're saying is she's your type.~" Tanaka says with a smirk.

"Can we just practice!" Kageyama says blushing.

"I mean I kinda what to know about the girl now." Daichi said with a laugh.

Kageyama rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Tell us about the new girl from the states then Hinata." Suga said as everyone sat down to listen.

"Well she has (h/l) hair, really pretty (e/c) eyes and her voice is nice. It's like calming you know?" Hinata explained.

Everyone nodded and heard the door to the gym open and it was Hitoka.

"Hachi-san!" Hinata said as he ran over. "Did you bring (f/n)-chan?"

"Oh no I didn't sorry we were eating ice cream at my house and she kind of passed out on my bedroom floor, so I came here to help out." She smiled.

"Oh that's fine" he smiled. " The team just wanted to meet her."

"I can bring her on Monday after school if that's ok?"

"Sounds fine to me, I want to meet the girl that actually has Kageyama distracted." Dachi said lowly so Kageyama didn't hear.

*After practice*

"(F/n)~ I'm home." Toka said as she walked into the room.

You were still out on the floor Toka giggled and covered you up.

*Monday After School*

"Come on Dachi-san said it was ok." Toka smiled as she pulled you into the gym.

"I don't do well with balls the size of heads flying around...." You looked into the gym as everyone looked at you.

"(F/n)? So it really was your dork ass they were talking about." A tall blonde with glasses said as he smirked.

"Tukki!! Why are you here?" You said as you ran over to the blonde.

He pat your head. " I just have to go here." He said as he looked at you.

"Why are you so tall it's like you never stop growing it's annoying." You pout.

He was about to answer when a silver haired boy interrupted.

"I didn't know you knew her Tukishima-kun."

"I do know this dork her mom is my mom's friend we kinda grew up together, until she left."

"All you could do was stare at the silver haired boy."he was so pretty for a guy" you thought to yourself.

"Right you're still shy."Tukki said as he put his hand on you head. "She's kind of an idiot but still really smart. (F/n) this is Suga-senpai."

"N-nice to meet you" you say quietly and bow.

"Right back at ya" he smiled.

With that you heard arguing and you automatically knew who it was. As Kageyama and Hinata ran into the gym yelling at each other, they both stopped when they saw you.

"(F/n)-chan!" Hinata smiled and ran over to you.

"Hi Sho-Chan." You smiled.

"Pfft Sho-chan." Tukishima said with a mocking smirk.

"Shut up Tukki don't be jelly cause I don't call you Kei-chan anymore." You said to the tall boy.

He shrugged and noticed Kageyama staring at you.

"What's the matter king she doesn't bite." Tukishima said as he looked at Kageyama.

Kageyama looked at you and then blushed and walked to the ball basket.

"Still stuck up as always." Tukishima said with a shrug.

You look at Kageyama and smile shyly when he looks over to you.

"He isn't I just think he's miss understood." You smile.

*Little later*

"Hey (f/n) wanna help me put the balls away?" Toka asked.

You nodded and closed your book and got up to help her. With out noticing a ball coming straight your way. You heard the "heads up" Noya as he ran after the ball. All you did was freeze and before it hit you, someone pulls you to the side and you crash and fall on to them.

"You ok?" You heard them say.

You look up and its Kageyama. You then feel your eyes start to water and your hug him.

"That's it I figured it out I knew I had seen you before (f/n)." He said as he pat your back and let you cry.

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