The New Girl

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There was a loud noise that came from the gym not to far where you were enjoying your red bean bun and (f/d). Since you were new to this school and curious you peaked into the gym. There were two boys one tall black haired boy and a short red head.

"Good job you dumbass what are we gonna tell the captain that the balls just decided to fall out of the bin?" The black haired boy told the smol one.

"Sorry I just got super excited!" The small one said as he chased the balls.

The tallest one sighed and looked over at the door since there was sunlight peaking in. He then noticed that someone was peaking in also.

"Uh can you shut the door? We are trying to practice." Said the tall boy.

"Right! Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt!" You said quickly and walked in and shut the door. You looked over at the red headed boy chasing the balls and looked back over to the tall one. "Aren't you going to help him?"

"Not worth my time"

You sighed and put down your stuff and shoved the rest of you bun into your mouth. "Ok then I'll help him." You walked over to the boy and smiled before helping him pick up some balls.

"Thank you for helping me uhhh...." The red head just looked at you.

"Right sorry my name is (f/n) (l/n) what's yours?" You smiled and put your hand out to shake.

"Mines Hinata Shoyo!" The small red head said with a smile and shook your hand.

The black haired boy kept watching you not in a creepy way more like a interested way. He overheard your name and thought to himself. "Hey Hinata we are going to be late if you don't hurry!" He shouted.

"Right I'm almost done Kageyama!"

"That's what grumpys name is?"you looked at Hinata and giggled.

"Yeah his full name is Tobio Kageyama." He said and laughed with you.

"Ah so you guys play volleyball together?" You asked as you walked with Hinata to your class.

" Yeah but he's always grumpy and no fun! He's even scary when he smiles." He said as he waved his hands everywhere.

You smiled and saw a girl with short blonde hair and smiled. " Yachi!~ I'm here"

The short girl turned around quick and smiled. "Ah (y/n)-chan oh looks like you've met Hinata." She smiled and looked at Hinata.

"Ya he offered to show me where my class was."you smiled and turned to look at him and ruffled his hair. "Thanks for walking me to class."

"N-no problem!" The smol boy smiled and ran off to his class.

You turned your attention back to Hitoka and walked into the classroom with her to set down your stuff. "I also met the mighty Kageyama." You said as you pulled out your books.

"Oh you saw him! He didn't recognize you did he?" She sighed and Pat your shoulder. "Don't worry I guess he just didn't see you properly.

"I hope you're right Toka-chan it feels weird when the boy you were friends with as a child, is standing in front of you and all you do is freeze."

"It's definitely LOVE!~" She giggled.

"Shut up I don't think he loves anything but the court and a volleyball. I wonder which one of those he loves the most?" You giggled.
You and Toka were enjoying your food when Hinata and Kageyama burst into the classroom.

"Hachi please teach us English!!!" Hinata basically yelled as he bowed to her.

"Eehhh?? Please stop bowing it's embarrassing!!" Toka said to him as she tried to get him to stop.

"Oh are you new?" A voice said to you as the tall Kageyama looked down at you.

All you could do was stare at how amazing he looked until Toka realized and jumped in front.

"(Y/n)-chan is really good at English she was born here in Japan but left when she was 8 to the states. She is probably the best at teaching English if you guys are serious." Toka smiled.

"Sure when should we start?" Kageyama said as he looked down at Toka.

"Yeah yeah teach us (l/n)-sensei." Hinata laughed as he held your hands and shook them.

"Uh my weekends are free after violin practice so around 1 or 2." You smiled and got up to jump with Hinata.

"Ok then me (y/n)-chan, Hinata and you will meet up at the cafe around 1:30 on Saturday! Ok?"Toka said to Kageyama.

"Sure see you then" he walked out dragging Hinata with him.

"Wait a sec Kageyama did we just agree to a study date???" Hinata said slightly blushing.

"Eh? Are you an idiot Hachi probably would never date you or me."

" You know there was another girl that was with Hachi right?"

"I know but we don't know her." He said and looked at him.

"We met her this morning in the gym! You're the idiot now.' Hinata said.

"Oh that was her? Didn't even notice."

"Wow you're terrible, you're never gonna get a girlfriend."

"Shut up dumbass like I need one."


"So what are you wearing on Saturday (y/n)? You do realize it's basically a date." Toka smirked.

"What! No it isn't, it's a study group dingus."

"Oh is it tho? 2 girls and 2 boys it's basically a double date!" She giggled.

You sighed and walked to your door. "Call it whatever to me it's still a study group." You said as you shut the door to your apartment.


"Shit shit! I'm late Toka is gonna kill me!" You thought as you ran to the cafe.

As you walked in you smiled and waved to Toka and the guys. "Sorry!"

"It's fine don't worry! Hinata and I are going to order drinks you want something?" Toka asked as she got up.

"Ya an iced coffee is fine." You smiled

She nodded and walked with Hinata to the counter to order.

"I like your shirt." Kageyama said to you.

You panicked and looked down. "T-thanks"

(This is what you are wearing)

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(This is what you are wearing)

"So why did you come back to Japan? Aren't the states way better?"

"I just missed home." You sighed.

"Ah well I guess I should properly introduce myself to you. My name is Tobio Kageyama." He said as he put his hand out to shake.

"(F/n) (l/n)." You said and shook his hand.

That's when something clicked in the black haired boy. He knew he had seen your pretty face somewhere. But where?

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