Chapter 11

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Titus' POV

     When I arrived at the meeting room, Miles was patiently waiting inside in a  grey button-down shirt and a pair of grey slacks. His hair was in its usual messy state. He had never been much of a 'clean-cut' fella. 

     "So I'm assuming you two made up about this morning," he raised a brow at me.

     I growled at him.

     "Come on, mate. Both of you looked like shit and you wouldn't even stand next to her. You expected me not to notice?" He rolled his eyes.

     "I had the nightmare again," I stated.

     "And?" he pressed.

     "I called her Izzy," I snapped.

     Miles nodded as a deep frown settled on his features. A sombre silence fell over us as we waited.

    Eventually, the door swung open to reveal my little sister walking in with 3 large men trailing behind her. Miles and I stood to greet the men, shaking each of their hands firmly as my sister swiftly made her way to the left of me. We nodded to each other and took our seats.

     "Where's your gamma?" Jackson asked while glancing over to Lilian. His dead eyes burned with disgust.

     "He's out on a personal mission so my sister has been filling in," I explained briefly.

     "Isn't she a bit young?"

     "No," my sister answered curtly.

     "I wasn't talking to you, princess," he snapped with a condescending sneer. 

     The three of us instantly started to growl at him. I watched as his confidence faltered when he glanced between me and Miles. His hand reached up to run through his now-greying hair.

    "Watch the way you speak here, Jackson. You're comically outnumbered." I scoffed and narrowed my eyes at him.

    He nodded. "Apologies. I'm just not used to seeing a female do things like this," he commented.

     "Well get used to it," Lilian clenched her jaw. If I wasn't Alpha, she definitely would have been. She possessed all of the qualities, she was strong-minded, physically exceptional and her persuasion skills were unmatched.

     "That's not why we're here," I stated, steering the meeting in the right direction.

     "My witch's sister lives in your pack lands yes?" I asked Jackson. 

     He nodded. "Evangeline, yes."

    "So you know the forest fires weren't natural. I just want confirmation that if this situation escalates you'll be on my side," I concluded.

     Jackson nodded. "We're no stranger for pack wars, Titus. You didn't need all the formalities."

    I slid the binding contract over to his along with a pen. "No, but it's always good to see that you're well." Venom dripped from my words.

     I didn't have to look at Miles to know that he was glaring daggers at Jackson and his men. His pack had a history of not reporting life-threatening issues that were affecting them and we knew all-too-well that those problems often held the high possibility of affecting neighbouring packs.

     Jackson hummed. "How is your pack by the way?" He asked while sliding the contract back to me. "I got an invitation for Friday, how's that going."

    "Good, see you then," I answered curtly while standing, effectively ending the meeting.

    "I hope nothing happens to this one," he said just before I lunged across the table and pinned him to the wall. My wolf revelled in the feeling we got when fear built up in his eyes. His careless words had always been clumsy around my temper.

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