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     The three of them were inseparable. They did everything together. They met in the morning to eat breakfast, they trained together, they ate lunch together, they were homeschooled together, they'd play video games together, they'd eat dinner together and they often slept in the same room. They were as in love with each other as the tides were in love with the moon and she was in love with the earth.

     The group consisted of the Alpha's son and the Beta's son and daughter. The little Alpha and the Beta were best friends since birth. They had the privilege to be born on the same day. The girl, well, let's just say that when she was born, the boys never left her side. She was theirs.

     They'd help her mum do everything. They'd watch over her while her parents trained, made food or had other tasks to complete but would often ask to take care of her just to be with her.

    She was their angel. That's what they called her. Her personality matched her messy, curly hair and her eyes always seemed to be glowing whenever she smiled. So, the boys did whatever they could to make her smile. It'd become their duty.

     That day, they took her to her favourite place that wasn't part of their pack's territory. Something about being on no-mans-land made her feel dangerous or empowered. She couldn't tell the difference.

    Here, she felt like a real Luna with her Alpha and Beta at her side. Besides, the little Alpha promised to make her Luna one day; he never broke promises. He was sure they were mates. They hadn't reached the age to know yet but he was sure.

    He was completely in love with her and would kiss her feet if she asked, but she would never ask. She was too kind.

    They'd often come here to run as wolves with each other. Sometimes they'd hunt but most times they'd just chase each other.

    The girl's wolf was almost the same fiery ginger as her hair and shared her emerald green eyes. Her brother's wolf also had green eyes and was a light grey with patches of white underlying his topcoat. The Alpha's coat was jet black and his eyes were burning silver.

    The three of them laid down in each other's comfort in the middle of an open space. The Beta's head rested on his sister's stomach while the Alpha cuddled closely to her back.

     Their peace was interrupted by the sudden rustle of some bushes. Each wolf stood instantly in a defensive stance with the Alpha and Beta on either side of their girl. They would do anything to protect her.

     Their attention snapped to the far left of the clearing where a large, coffee-coloured wolf with glowing red eyes and a feral growl emerged.

     The girl took a step forward and growled viciously at the rogue just before the little Alpha protectively took a step in front of her.

    Soon after another rogue appeared from the far right and the Beta started growling at him.  Another stepped out from the north, taking the female Beta's attention. Then another, and another, and another until the little wolves were outnumbered 8:3.

    Suddenly the rogues went charging into the small group. Although teens, they were well-trained warriors. Jaws were snapping, and heads were clashing. Claws dug into the other's coats and surely chunks were ripped out.

     Four rogues were dead and the three little wolves were getting tired. They were badly injured.

    The young Alpha inhaled deeply before tilting his head upwards and releasing a deep and loud howl. Immediately a stampede of paws was heard off into the distance.

     The rogues instantly lunged for each of the teenagers, tackling both the Alpha and his Beta to the ground but the girl managed to evade the two that were on her tail.

     As the two males struggled, she was left to deal with two rogues attacking her simultaneously. The stampede was getting louder hinting that the pack was gaining in.

     The two rogues lunged for the ginger-haired wolf, taking her down with a frightened yelp on her part. She tried her best to scratch and kick and bite her way out of the situation but she was being overpowered and was quickly becoming exhausted. She'd lost enough blood from her other wounds. Her muscles screamed for a break.

    Eventually, one of the rogues atop her was taken down by her brother but she was still left to the struggle with the other.

     Loud growls could be heard not-so-far-off. The pack was so close now.

    In one final swift motion, the rogue latched onto her neck and started violently thrashing her head. She tried to fight back... she really did.

     The little Alpha lunged in his direction but was immediately snatched back into place by the rogue he was fighting.

    Eventually, the girl's light faded and she went out with a faint whimper.

    At the same time, a herd of wolves emerged from the trees and the last two rogues were very quickly and violently slaughtered.

    The little Alpha and Beta crawled their way back to their girl's body and whimpered into her lifeless form.

     A loud, gut-wrenching howl was emitted from the girl's father, and then her mother, and then her boys and soon entire pack followed in the mourning of a fallen angel.


A/N: I feel like this is the third time I'm trying to publish this. I wrote this a year and a half ago so now I'll just be editing some parts since my opinions on the story have changed. 

I'll be updating 3 times a week, I'm not too sure on which days yet but I guess I'll figure that out another time.

-J :)

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