Chapter 30

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Lyric's POV

      Liam and Lilian were waiting patiently at the doors of the dungeon when we arrived. Lilian's cheeks were flushed bright pink causing me to raise a brow at the both of them while Titus growled. I don't think I'd ever seen her like this.

     "You ready?" Titus asked while leading me into the building.

     I nodded as I took a deep breath. I wasn't nervous. I was pissed off... maybe a little bit nervous.

    We entered a room that only held stairs. There we two guards sitting near the doorway who nodded at us as we made our way down. At the base of the stairs, there was a large steel door with a scanner at the side. Titus bent his knees slightly so that he'd be eye level with it. After a few seconds, there was a soft beep and the click of the door unlocking.

     Behind the large door stood two more guards, wearing black gloves, holding large guns. They nodded at us before opening the door. I realised that the stench of silver came from the door. I'd never been to the dungeons. I'd run past the building a few times but I never had a reason to go inside. As Luna, I realized that I probably should have.

     Titus led us down a long hallway before making a sharp left turn at the end. He gave my hand one last squeeze before the guard in front of this door let us in. The room was dark but my eyes quickly adjusted and scanned it.

     I heard a growl from Liam and turned to realise that his eyes were focussed and Martin and Amanda huddled in a cell together. Their breaths were slow but shallow.

     "Wake up," Lilian growled as she bent down in front of their cage. Her earlier disposition vanished so quickly that I almost forgot it was there.

     Martin's head snapped up as he released a weak but feral growl.

     Lilian smiled while tutting. "Don't be rude. You're in my house."

     Martin's eyes scanned the room quickly before they landed on me. I felt the heat rise to my face but not because of a blush.

     "Take him out," I demanded softly.

     Lilian nodded before she grabbed Martin's collar and dragged his limp body out then slammed the barred door shut. There was a thick tension building in the deathly silent room.

     "You can make this quick by answering with the truth, yeah?" I explained while I stepped closer to him.

     "I'm sorry," he whimpered but winced when Lilian's boot came into contact with his face. I held back a flinch at the swift action. I shouldn't have surprised that she was like this. I shouldn't let my new experiences make me forget this pack's reputation.

     "No one said you could talk yet," she growled.

    Amanda didn't wake up which meant that Lilian may not have hit Martin that hard -or that their systems were flooded with wolf's bane.

     "How much bane are they on?" I turned back to Titus.

    "They can't link each other or talk to their wolves," he explained coldly.

    I nodded. They couldn't shift either.

     I knelt down to Martin's level. His arms were shaking beneath his as though they couldn't hold up his body despite being muscular.

     "You fucking sold a twelve-year-old to someone you knew did despicable things and still had the nerve to hug me when I got back," I hissed in his face and watched as tears started to fall down his cheeks. "How do you sleep at night?"

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