Chapter 12 Arrival

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It all happened suddenly and without warning. Like the gods flipping a coin, their fate made a turn for the worst.

Wasting no time, Sidon sounded the alarm and shouted to the others. "To arms! To arms!"

Simultaneously, everyone who could sprang up into action against the assault.

Zelda knelt there, holding her dying friend in her arms with no time to react or think, even as several more arrows zipped through the air toward her. Stricken with fear at the sight of the projectiles falling from the sky, the princess froze. However, just as the deadly shafts approached, prepared to pierce her and the fallen Riju once again, Link swooped in with a grand leap from over the wagon they leaned against.

Swinging his mighty sword outward, he dashed through the air in front of the two young women. As if in slow motion, he hacked and slashed at the incoming arrows, knocking them from the sky as they flew towards them, and shattering them into splinters on the grassy plains. As he landed, he shouted to Teba, startled by the surprise attack and attempting to make himself battle ready.

"Teba, take them out! We won't last long against those archers!" the Hero commanded, his head turned in the direction of the enemy archers in the distance on the grassy hillside.

There were only a few of them, but they were safely tucked behind their main force, which had already begun a full charge straight for Link's group. The surprise attack had proved effective, and enemies would be closing in on the knight and his comrades at any moment. Only seconds remained to act, if that.

"On it!" Teba replied as he nocked an arrow, drew back the string of his finely crafted bow adorned with many colored feathers from his tribe, and took aim.

The rito people took great pride in being masters of the bow, and Teba was no exception, well-trained since a hatchling, and leagues ahead of any bokoblin underling. Without hesitation, he loosed several arrows in retaliation at the incoming horde. One by one, the enemy archers we're thoroughly dealt with, Teba's aim steady and true. Each arrow cut through the air perfectly, penetrating deep into the necks of each target.

Link turned to face the two girls, assessing their situation and how he might get them to safety. Riju was seriously injured, but even on the brink of death she tried to remain strong for the princess. Her breathing labored and panting in Zelda's embrace, she tried to calm her fears, muttering quiet whispers of courage to her.

"Get behind this wagon and take cover now," Link ordered, moving toward them. "Here's a shield. Hold this up, and huddle yourselves behind the cover of the wagon. Quickly!"

The lightweight Traveler's Shield he placed in Zelda's hands was more buckler than proper shield, but it would have to suffice for now. Anything was better than being out in the open, unguarded.

The princess held Riju tightly, one arm placed firmly beneath the gerudo chieftain's shoulder for support, carefully lifting her. The smaller girl clutched at her wound, the arrow protruding from her flesh. The two limped away to where Link had instructed them to hide. They would be safer behind the line of supply wagons.

Buliara, having witnessed her chief struck down by the piercing arrow, charged her way over to the three of them, the speed of her approach seeming mismatched for her enormous size.

"Yunobo! Buliara! Stay with the princess and Riju! Guard them with your lives. Sidon and everyone else, with me!" Link shouted as he turned to face his party, rallying the remaining warriors available to him. They rapidly formed a line, ready for the battle that would soon be upon them.

From what Link could tell as he looked to the rampaging horde, he saw there had to be at least forty foes. The force, mainly composed of bokoblins and a smaller number of much larger moblins, had begun to move and would soon be surrounding them.

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