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The bell rang through my ears to show that the last period was finally over

I packed up my stuff in relief and ran outside

I heard footsteps behind me and as I turned around something jumped on me

'Holy shit hey ' it was my best friend Stephanie

'Hey girl party at my house tonight.' She said

'Aren't your parents home'

'Nah its date night. It starts at 8. I'll have a spot for you to park in my garage the code is 1789' she said

'Also, It'll give you a chance to hook up with brett' she said and i rolled my eyes

Brett was the jock at our school

It was just a cliché normal high school in Arizona

Especially since today was over 86 Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius)

It was boiling hot and i just wanted to get home and let loose at the party

I got into my car and drove off home blasting songs and singing my heart out

Finally i reached and pulled up to see my older brothers car home too

Huh he's early

I walked in taking off my shoes and placing my keys on the stand

'Yooo fatty you're home' he said and i rolled my eyes

'Im skinnier than you'

'Because im 4 years older'

'How fat were you when you were my age. A fat bowling ball' i said and he sighed laughing and we sat down

'Where's mum and dad'

'I don't know. I just got home' he said

'Normally they're home by now'

'There's a massive pile up on the high way ' he said

'Oh that's probably why' I said

He turned the tv on and started watching some next stupid shit

'No put on a film' i said

'I wanna watch this'

'I don't give a fuck. Put on a film'

'No' he said and i charged at him

'Boy give me the fucking remote' i said and he stood up and held it high up because this guy's like 6ft fucking 5


I kicked his leg down and grabbed the remote and then put on deadpool

'Oh my favourite movie' he said

'You could have just put it on when I said put on a film.' I said and he punched my arm

'Do it again and I'll rip your head off and hang it outside' i said and we stayed quiet for like 5 minutes

Clearly it wasn't gonna last

'Tag your it' he said running up the stairs with the remote

'You bitch' i said running after him and then tackled him down

'Just because you come home like every few weeks after work doesn't mean you treat me like shit' i said

My brother, Jack, has his own car showroom for the Mercedes franchise

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