𝟭𝟭. demons we hide

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sometimes good things fall apart


     𝐋ook, the three teenagers weren't reckless━well, maybe a little since they just left the loft without telling anyone. But really though, they weren't that stupid, but none of them also formed a plan so it was safe to say it was not going well at all. The cab dropped them off just outside the asylum's gate, venturing their way further into the woods instead so they wouldn't be seen. Soon enough, the sight of a huge building appeared in front of them. A lone car drove away as they hid behind a tree in the darkness.

     "I think we'll have to try the south entrance away from the guards," Gar said, sounding a little more nervous than he let on. "I don't think it's a safe bet, but━"

     Aurora wasn't even so sure anymore. Deep inside she knew something was about to go wrong, but she would rather be there than be somewhere else where she couldn't protect her friends.

     "But what?" Rachel demanded.

     "I mean, we came this far, right?" Gar said, trying to play it cool, although Aurora knew him too well to know that he was a little hesitant with his words. "Be stupid to back out now."

     Be stupid to even do this. Aurora bit her lips as she glanced back at the place. It definitely didn't look too friendly. I mean, it was an asylum so there's that, and the fact there could really crazy people in there━ones that could and would actually kill them if they even see their shadow.

     "So, which way?" Rachel asked despite looking like she was about to vomit from how nervous she felt.

     "Uh..." Gar gulped slightly, then gestured to the south. "After you."

     There was a moment of hesitation between all of them, and Aurora sighed heavily. She sent a nod at Rachel and began to walk, the two following close behind her. Truth be told, she wasn't that afraid of the dark. Only the bad things that happen in them. Those were the ones she was afraid of the most.

     "Oh, I can't believe we're doing this," Gar muttered, walking rather noisily as he caught up to them.

     The girls ignored him and kept a cautious eye as Aurora led them further inside the asylum's perimeter.

     "Gar," Aurora whispered. "Stay close."

     Instead of an answer, all she got was the sound of someone's painful grunt, electricity crackling, and something heavy dropping on the ground with a quiet thud.  She turned around to find out what it was, only to receive the end of something painful. The next thing she knew, she was electrocuted and darkness took over her vision.

     Aurora woke up with a loud gasp and the sound of static immediately filled her ears. She let out a pained scream, pulling against the binds that held her tightly on the metal bed. Her dull blue eyes were wide and frantic as they darted everywhere in the room. Her vision was a little blurry, but she could make out a couple of people wearing lab coats surrounding her.

     She gritted her teeth in pain as a few scientists loomed over her, flashing lights on her eyes and pricking needles everywhere they got their hands on. Her body trembled. Her chest hurt. She couldn't breathe. They were invading her space and touching her skin rather forcefully but those weren't the most painful place.

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