𝟬𝟳. tidal waves

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and when i call, you come home


    𝐀urora walked down the hallway, on her way to the security room where the CCTVs were to find a certain someone. As she turned into a corner, she heard the sound of some other's footsteps and she immediately plastered a neutral expression on her face than her frustrated one. She didn't want to worry anyone just because she was an enigma that couldn't be fixed.

    "Hey." Dick slightly smiled at her as he walked passed her.

     "Is Gar still there?" She asked.

    He nodded. "Yeah. You can go in."

    Without any other words, she continued her way to the control room. A weak smile appeared on her face at the sight of the back of his head. He seemed to be very focused on what he was doing. All scrunched up in his spinning chair, Even in the dim light of the panel screens, his green hair stood out the most.

    "Hey," Aurora said quietly.

    Gar almost fell off the swivel chair when he abruptly spun around and faced her with a lollipop hanging from the corner of his mouth. His words came out a little muffled when he greeted her. "H-Hi!"

    The redhead slightly chuckled at his antics and stood behind him as she turned his chair around so he could face the screens again. She put her arms behind him on the headrest of the chair and looked up at the screens with a furrow between her brows. "What are you up to?" 

    He paused for a moment before he composed himself, biting his lips from thinking. He cleared his throat, continuing to press on the keyboard at a fast pace. "Uh, just something that Dick told me to do." 

    Aurora hummed slightly in response before she stood up straight again, letting out a short sigh of breath. The green-haired boy heard it and quickly looked at her like he assumed he had done something wrong. His nose wrinkled ever so slightly, confusion and a little worry clouding his hazel eyes.

    "Are you..." He cleared his throat. "Are you okay?"

     She could only let a fake smile slip on her lips with a small nod. "Never better."

    He didn't seem very satisfied with her answer but he didn't press on any further. Little did she know, Gar was more worried than ever. But he didn't know what to do. How do you help someone who doesn't want to be helped? Gar didn't say anything. He was afraid to hurt her or something if he decided to bring it up.

    Aurora didn't stick around for long. She decided to leave him alone to his whatever he was supposed to do, knowing he wasn't going to start if she was still there. Dick seemed to trust him with it so she had no problem. As long as he doesn't get into trouble, she'd give the man the benefit of the doubt.

    Not even a few moments later, all the lights inside the building suddenly shut down and left them with darkness although not entirely because of the emergency lights. Aurora felt her heart race a bit faster upon not having a clue to what was happening. As much as she hated the dark, sometimes all she could do was endure it.

     She looked out the windows of her to see that the whole city was affected. Everything was engulfed in pure darkness, and she feared for what was about to come. Knowing the impossible that lurks around them, she expects something worse. And the darkness had always been a great ally for the bad things people do.

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