Chapter 2

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Those two days of doing nothing has to be one of the most boring times of my life. We had to be quiet in order to not be discovered so that included no training (swords courtesy of a few unsuspecting pirates), no laughing, and no rearranging of furniture. (After everyone left, we decided to condense the amount of space we take up in order to cut down on the cleaning time and effort). As soon as that two days were up, Roman and I snuck out again to go get more food. When we made it to the market, there was a mob of isle residents and shopkeepers yelling and screaming. Roman took my hand and said, "Let's get on the roof, we'll be able to see better from up there." We climbed up using a dumpster in a small alley. Silently, we crawled out of sight, over the crowd. When we reached the sight causing the mob, I was shocked. It was a jet black limo that had gold hubcaps with the Auradon's crest on it. Men dressed in white suits and gold epaulets were putting up a poster up on one of the shop's exterior walls. We couldn't see it from our location, but we knew the mob would disperse as soon as the limo and fancy dressed men left. Sure enough, they did and we jumped down in order to see the poster. It read,

Lost Princesses and Princes on Isle of the Lost! If found please bring them to the border. Reward for their finding! - by order of King Ben of Auradon.

My jaw dropped. I looked up at Roman to see him staring at the poster as if reading it again to make sure he was reading it correctly.


"We need to take this back to the others right now." He said, worriedly. 

"Wait why?"

"Read the fine print"

I looked at the bottom of the poster to see in small letters,

All of them have golden lockets magically fastened to their necks. Aliases unknown, but birth names are Rose, Flynn, Amaya, and Kristopher.

"Wait a second," I pulled my locket out of where I was hiding it behind my jacket. I turned it over and in gold, etching read "Rose."

"Roman look at your locket," I said, my voice rising in excitement.

"Not here Bianca, people are watching us. More specifically, villains are watching us." He whispered, tearing the poster from the wall. I felt many pairs of eyes following our every movement. I tucked my locket back into my jacket and followed closely behind Roman, with my hand on my sword. When we were halfway to the alley, a figure jumped out in front of us. We both drew our swords knowing exactly who was standing in front of us, Harry Hook.

"Where'ya go'ng with that buddy?" He said in that slimy voice of his.

"None of your concern," Roman replied in his emotionless voice. He then grabbed my hand and tried to slip around the Hook. I felt another hand grab my forearm. I reacted immediately, turning my sword towards the crook, or should I say, hook. It ended up pointing at Harry's throat. Roman's sword quickly followed. Harry immediately released my arm and put his hands up.

"Now, now, I just want what belongs to me," Harry said with a sly grin on his face.

"And what is that?" I replied.

"My reward for taking you four sea squirts in to goody two shoes Ben."

"Ah I see, well bad news for you, we have our own plans," Roman said, pulling a smoke bomb out of his pocket. He threw it on the ground in front of us and blinded Harry long enough for us to dash for the alley. Roman quickly did the new knock and we were let in immediately. Austin had an angry look on his face, and Amaya looked generally concerned.

"Where's the food guys? And what is that piece of paper you're holding? Is it really that much more important than our survival?" Austin asked, obviously irritated.

"Oh, this? It's just our way off this island, but we can just throw it out if you prefer food over leaving this dump," Roman said, making a move towards the door.

"A way off the island? Stop, Roman, let me see." Austin took the poster from him and spread it out on the dirty floor.

"This just says there is missing royalty on the island. What does that have to do with us?" Amaya said, peering over Austin's shoulder.

"Read the fine print, Amaya," Austin whispered, barely believing what he read. Amaya gasped and sat down, burying her head in her hands.

"We can leave guys, we don't have to stay here anymore."

A/N Woohoo! Second chapter complete! Again, if you see any unmade edits, please let me know!

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