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The talk of the Petrova doppelgänger is what drew Mary to go back to her old home town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. She overheard it from a younger vampire, Isabelle Fleming who apparently was the birth mother of the said doppelgänger Elena Gilbert.

She didn't want to leave Boston but she also couldn't resist going, to see for herself if the rumors were true.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Mary smiled as she turned around to face her lover Tristan. Walking forward she cupped his face, leaving a quick peck on the lips before releasing him.

"I haven't been to Mystic Falls since I turned. This is something I need to do alone. It's not just about the doppelgänger. I want to visit my brothers too." Her voice faltered some. Tristan's eyes softened.

"Just be careful." Mary rolled her eyes.

"I'm a big girl Trist. I think I can handle myself." She smirked. He rolled his eyes before speeding over, pinning her against the wall crashing his lips down onto hers.

"I love you." He says as she smiled.

"I love you too." She pushed him back and he scoffed, mocking hurt. Giggling she couldn't resist but kiss him once again.


The ride to Virginia was long, she should've booked a flight but wanted the chance to break in her new car, plus having the chance to play whatever music she liked. Tristan wasn't that fond of her music choice since her playlist consisted of different genres and was never consistent. It threw Tristan off when she would play Avril Lavigne to Josh Groban.

Pressing the eject button, Mary inserted another CD she burned with a bunch of songs she liked, this one containing just instrumental, classical music. Her windows were down the wind whipping in her hair as she rode down the highway. Some of the vehicles that passed gave her strange looks but she paid no mind.

'Welcome to Virginia'

If she were still human her heart would probably be pounding in her chest about now.

Mystic Falls. She hasn't been there in over a century. Last time she was there was when she was turned.


Fear. Fear is what she felt. She hasn't seen her brothers for hours. Mobs were outside, the entire town in chaos as they rounded up the vampires, Katherine included.

Her brothers were trying to save Katherine. She was scared for her brothers safety. If anyone found out they were sympathizers they'd be killed as well, she knew it.

The front door slammed shut. Mary opened the door to her bedroom, her handmaiden Alice by her side as she rushed down the stairs. She was disappointed to only find her father Giuseppe.

"Father." She called out, going after him as he entered his office.

"What is it?" His voice sounding harsh.

"Have you seen Stefan and Damon?"

"They're dead, child." Mary's stomach dropped. Blood rushing in her ears. Her bottom lip quivered.

"W-What?" Tears formed, pulling over and flowing down her flushed cheeks. "How?!"

Giuseppe walked towards his daughter placing both hands on her shoulders.

"Monsters have manifested themselves in Mystic Falls. Vampires, Mary. Your brothers....they were sympathizers. They are as bad as those beasts." Mary yanked herself away.

"Miss." Alice tried taking her arm but she yanked herself away again.

"Where are they?!" She shouted.

"It doesn't matter!" Her father shouted, frustrated. Her eyes widened, stomach dropping. Her whole world stopped in that moment. Gravity brought her knees to the ground. Her body shook, a violent sob breaking through. Alice wrapped her arms around her mistress trying her best to console the poor girl, while tearing up herself.

The front door opened revealing Johnathan Gilbert.

"Get up, girl. They were as bad as them!" He said as if trying to justify killing his own sons. Mary looked up at her father feeling nothing but anger and despair.

"They were your sons! Your children!" She yelled, as her Alice helped her stand. "Your own blood!"

"They were helping the vampires! I refuse to acknowledge them as my own. Now buck up girl you're making me think you're a sympathizer as well." Once again her whole body shook, the ground beneath her shook as well but quickly subsided.

"Your a monster." She rasped. Another sob escaped, she quickly covered her mouth, pulling away from the woman before bolting upstairs, locking herself away.



It was about sundown when she reached the small town. It changed since the last time she's seen it, though that is to be expected but some of the old structures were the same, example being the clock tower.

Nostalgia filled her. Over a hundred years ago things were different.  So different.

She kept driving until she came to a small motel that looked pretty vacant. She didn't need anything fancy, she wasn't planning on staying there long.

A small old lady sat behind the wooden desk of the check-in office. She smiled, greeting the 'young' girl.

"I'd like a room please." She said. The lady nodded telling her the price, she handed the woman all cash for her stay for the week.

The lady handed her, her room key then she was off.


She parked her vehicle along the winding road of the cemetery. Grabbing the two bouquets of carnations she went off to her families crypt.

It took a bit before she found it. Stepping in she looked over the names of her deceased family members, minus her fathers whose body was buried else where, where Mary did not know nor cared much.

She found Damon's name first, her gut twisting. Then there was Stefan's, her twin brother. Mary set the flowers before them.

"Hey Day. Hey Stef." She sniffled. "It's been so long, too long." Guilt washed over her. "I wish you were here." Her voice came out as a whisper. A single tear slid down her cheek. "I should've came sooner. I'm sorry." She took two single flowers from both bouquets and set them down in front of Lillian's tomb, her mother before focusing her attention back to her brothers. "They say with time it gets easier but...I still miss you guys. I always have." Mary clamped her eyes shut as more tears pooled over.




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