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"Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it!" Rose and Elena stood in the parlor room. Tension filled the air between them. Mary poured herself a drink after leaving her bed.

"You guys are too loud." Mary downed the liquor relishing the feeling alcohol gave her.

"Mary." Elena walked over to the blonde. Her mind racing about everything she learned the last 48 hours.

"You said you knew Klaus. Slater, Rose's friend has more information on him. I need to know more." Mary looked at Elena incredulously.

"And what do I have to do with this?" She asked. "Does Stefan and Damon know about this?" Pouring another glass she drank it whole.

"They don't want me to know anything."

"Then why are you trying to rope me into this?" Rose asked coming over. Mary glanced at Rose before looking back at Elena. She was hesitant on whatever the doppelgänger was planning however her brothers cared for her.

"Because you owe me. One word from me, and Damon and Stefan could have killed you for kidnapping me."

"How Katherine of you." Mary eyed her suspiciously. Manipulators must run in the family, she thought. She had an uneasy feeling.

"Or maybe it's because you know that they wouldn't want you doing this. And their moonstone caper gives you a chance to sneak away." Rose stated.

"We're having a disagreement, okay? They're willing to risk everyone that I love, and I'm not." Elena felt adamant on doing whatever it took to protect her friends, even if it meant teaming up with the vampire that initially kidnapped and her boyfriends long lost dead sister.

"I'll take you." Mary told her. She wished to tell her everything she knew, but couldn't. "You're coming with us." Mary pointed out to Rose.

"Why should I?"

"Elena's best friend's with a Bennett witch. How would you like to walk in daylight again?"

"I've been a slave to the shadows for 500 years, what do you think?" Mary smirked. Perfect.


The ride to Richmond was filled with silence, Mary sat upfront with Rose, the windows were tinted to pure black. They were on the highway her eyes wandered out the window like her mind wandering now.

What was she doing? This was an idiotic idea but Elena deserved to know. She'd be damned if Klaus broke the curse, he'd become more deadly than he already was.

Deep down a nagging feeling was pulling at her. Klaus was coming but when is the question. He had connections all over the place and eventually he will find his way back to Mystic Falls she felt it. She couldn't leave her brothers behind to die at the hands of Klaus.

She was the only one in that god forsaken town who knows what he looked like, how he thinks, what he does. She knows him. The Mikaelson's were her family once. Perhaps she could talk reason with Elijah, get Klaus off her trail. Mary knew Elijah would never hurt her.

Before long they were pulling up to the parking garage. Rose parked the car before all getting out. They followed Rose up the stairs to the third floor, walking up to the first door she pounded her fist against it.

"Slater! Slater it's Rose. Open up." Rose shook her head. "He's not home. Sorry." She shrugged moving back to the stairs. Mary slammed her hand to her chest

"No. We didn't come all the way out here for nothing." Mary stood there besides Elena looking at Rose intently. She let out a sigh before backing away, grabbing the door handles she pushed them open, chains broke falling to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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