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Big news I'm meeting Daniel Gillies in a few months!!!!
Mary gasped, her body spazzing as she instinctively pulled against the restraints that locked hand arms and legs in place.

Her eye sight was slightly blurry, moving her head up, her eyes scanned her surroundings. It appeared to be an old, clearly abandoned house, sitting in a large room with the windows boarded up high. On the torn up couch nearby she saw Elena still in her blood soaked shirt, her hands were bound together.

Where was she?

She tried ripping herself free but she was too weak from the vervain in her system. Veins began to protrude under her eyes, feeling the hunger set in.

"Elena." Mary rasped. "Elena!" She whispered harshly trying not to be too loud but loud enough in hopes the girl wakes up.

Elena stirs from her spot before her eyes fluttered open. She felt disoriented, pushing herself up her eyes started re-focusing.

"Mary?" Her voice was groggy and confused. Her eyes wide open, assessing the situation. "Where are we?"

"I don't know. You have to untie me." Elena looked down at her bonded wrists and legs.

"You're awake." Mary's head snapped over to look at the man at the top of the stairs, his hair falling to his shoulders, he wore nothing but plain black clothing. He descended down walking towards Elena. Mary tried once again to break free but was unsuccessful.

He walked closer to Elena and began untying her. "What do you want?" He hushed her. "Please I'm hurt." She whimpered.

"I know." The man said, veins appeared under his eyes. "Just a taste."

"Get away from her!" Mary shouted the floor beneath them shook for a moment then stopped. His eyes widened, looking at her almost accusingly.

"Trevor!" A woman appeared . "Control yourself." She scolded him. The pixied haired woman glances at Mary then to the man, Trevor as she called him. He backed away.

"Buzz kill." He muttered.

"What do you want from us?" Elena asks the woman.

"My God, you look just like her." She analyzed the girl before moving to the blonde vampire.

"But I'm not, please whatever you want-" Elena began but was cut off.

"Be quiet." The woman snapped.

"But I'm not Katherine." Elena pushed herself up. "My name is Elena Gilbert. You don't have to do this." She pleaded.

"I know who you are. I said be quiet." The woman was now looking back at Mary.

"What do you want?" Elena pushed. The woman swiftly turned around backhanding her, knocking the poor girl unconscious on the couch. Mary exhaled.

"I want you to be quiet." The woman stared down at the doppelgänger with an irritated expression.

"Who the hell are you?" Mary asked. The woman looks to her.

"Mary Salvatore. My god. They've been looking all over for you." Her eyes widened.

"Let us go, whatever you're trying to do isn't worth it."

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