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Mary's POV

"He's coming for you." A voice whispered.

I open my eyes and found myself in a field, up towards the trees a woman in a crimson colored dress stood her back and neatly styled black hair faced me.

"Who are you?" The woman turned slowly, letting out a small smile. Tears instantly pricked my eyes.

"Mother?" I took a step forward but she disappeared, replacing her was Klaus.
"K-Klaus?" I took a step back as he just stood there smirking, that damn smirk, I wanted to hit him.

"Hello my love." He started to walk towards me but I stepped back. What the hell is he doing here?

I felt a wave of sadness and anger.

"Klaus." He reaches out softly caressing my cheek.

"I'm sorry."

My eyes snapped opened to Tristan who was asleep in front of me. I sighed as I moved to leave the bed.

"Hey." Tristan mumbled. I felt myself being pulled back, pressed up against Tristan's bare chest.

"Hey yourself." He smirked. I closed my eyes and opened them to see Klaus. I scrambled out of his grip sending myself off the bed. I winced at the pain coursing through my ass.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Tristan rushed over, crouching down besides me.

"I-" I didn't know what to say. Maybe I'm still dreaming. "I'm sorry." I forced myself to stand, Tristan following. "I don't know, I had a dream was nothing."

"It's alright. Can I kiss you or are you going to run again?" I rolled my eyes. Tristan smiled as he leaned down towards me. His lips were thin but soft. It always made me feel warm, content.

I love him, I really do.

Flashbacks of my dreams made me think of it all again.

It was a slaughter, my friends, their entire coven just... dead. I trusted them, some of them felt like family, their elders helped me and I promised to keep their coven safe but I failed.

I got off the bed and stripped from my clothes.

"I like what I see." Tristan smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"I bet you do." I replied before moving towards the bathroom. Tristan took his boxers off, a shiver goes down my spine. What can I say he has the package. "No, no." Tristan pouted making me smirk a little. "I want to shower alone." The pout turned to a bit of worry.

"Okay. But is everything okay? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Tristan pulled his boxer up and grabbed a t-shirt from his bag on the chair. He gave me a look.

"Come on Mar. You saw Elijah Mikaelson, you two go way back, you said it yourself you were like a family. And you watched him die." I clenched my fist feeling a small tremble beneath my feet.

"Why are we having this talk while I'm naked?" I ask as I walk into the bathroom and locking it.

He's after me, no one runs from Klaus and lives, I know a secret that if anyone of his enemy's knew this secret they can be used to kill Klaus, and most likely themselves. Trevor's an example of that. I just wished I didn't have to keep running but by now Klaus knows where I am. I have to leave but I can't leave my brothers here to fend for themselves against the originals. They're idiots. And besides she wasn't dumb. She knew with Elena he can break the curse and she didn't want that. His ego was inflated enough.

I melt in the hot water, the glass steamed over.
What the hell have I gotten myself into? I was laying low, I made a new identity for myself, living quietly in Boston. Now that's over. Tristan thinks Elijah's dead but he isn't which means that Klaus knows about me, my affiliation to Katerina Petrova's doppelgänger Elena Gilbert who dates my LIVING twin brother.

I rest my head against the tile wall. I can't leave my brothers, not when I just got them back. I also can't have them left with the originals, I can't say anything but I know how to talk with the originals. Klaus is the one I have a problem with, Elijah like always will be by his brothers side. Rebekah won't involve herself if she were undaggered. I never met Kol or Finn only knew that they were daggered for their "indiscretions."

I shut the water off and pulled the glass door open.

I quickly dried myself before wrapping the grey towel around me, heading out of the bathroom. Tristans duffel bag sat on the bed. Tristan looked over from his phone. He smiled at me. I dropped the towel. I walked to my suitcase and took clothes out to wear, black set with dark jeans and a cream colored top.

"Are you okay?" Tristan asks me after changing. I look at him, my eyes stung.

"I don't know." I shook my head as I folded my arms. He stood up and walked over to me. He reached out, caressing my face, before he wraps his arm around me. I leaned into his touch feeling numb. From the dreams to everything else I was ready to go right back to Boston. I felt like this was my fault. Klaus will have no problem killing my brothers just to spite me. He truly was wicked.


Will most likely go back to third person next chapter I feel out of my element with first person.



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