Chapter 7. The snake on the wrist

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Third person POV:
"So what's the next move?" The slytherin boy asked. "We need to kill dumbledore."
The boy thought of this for a second before correcting his soulmate. "Ah ah ah! It's dumblewhore. Not dumbledore." This seemed to to make the elder wizard laugh aloud.
"That was great. Where did you come up with that?!" The boy only smiled and replied "two words. Draco. Malfoy. He certainly is creative when bashing someone I must admit."
This seemed to make the dark lord chuckle. For, knowing the reaction of Lucius if he found out the childish names his son were calling people.
The two headed back to their room and Harry took off his mask. Without even giving Tom time to blink, the boy was already curled up on the arm chair with yet another, dark arts book.
The dark lord smiled softly, seeing his soulmate was interested in the dark arts.
The dark lord sat at his desk in the room and did the rest of his paperwork. Oh, how he hated paperwork. He never knew being a dark lord required so much of it. He sometimes even got his death eaters to do it for him.
He sighed when he finished all of it and looked over to his soulmate.
The boy was now sitting in a position the elder could only describe as, snake like.
The boys legs were twisted and wrapped around underneath his own body as he zoomed through the pages. Reading, rather fast. So fast it was impressive.
Tom made his way over to the chair and picked up Harry. He sat him in his lap and nudged his head into the boys neck. "Hmm?" The boy hummed. "What are you reading, Dagon?" The dark lord asked with actual curiosity. "Snake bonding. I find it highly fascinating. My snake has been bugging me about it." This shocked the dark lord immensely!
"You have a snake? Why didn't you tell me? Where is it? What's its name? Is it a boy or a girl? What kind is it? When will you bond with it?" The dark lord started spitting out questions so fast Harry wouldn't be able to understand if it wasn't for the fastness of speaking parseltongue.
"Alright first slow down. And to answer your questions. Yes I have a snake. It slipped my mind. It's on my wrist. It's name is, Medusa. It's a girl. It's an anaconda. And I was thinking to bond with it as soon as I can." Harry answered every question and the dark lords eyes went wide.
"It's an anaconda?... the biggest snake in the world?..only to grow larger with your core?... and it's around your wrist?..."
The elder was speechless and the boy simply rolled his eyes playfully and answered "I shrunk it. She was more than willing." Suddenly the dark lords eyes stared straight at the boys right wrist. "I can't believe I never noticed." The boy merely shrugged. "I can't believe you didn't either. It was rather easy. Even Draco noticed and he never studies me at all." The boy merely hissed in parseltongue at his snake. 'Wake up! Someone wants to meet you.'
Sure enough the snake lifted it's small shrunken head from the boys arm and slithered to his shoulder. 'Isss He a sspeaker?' The snake hissed with a tiny lisp. 'Yes I am. Pleasure to meet you.' The dark lord hissed in return. The snake only nodded its head and went back to sleep on the boys wrist.
"Does she not like me?" The confused dark lord asked. "Oh, she does. She would have bitten you if she didn't like you. She went back to sleep and left us alone as a sign of respect."
The dark lord merely chuckled at the adorable and respectful snake. "Yea. She's cute but deadly. And also a sarcastic pain in my ass but I love her." The boy spoke once more before, the dark lord laid his head on the boys shoulder and drifted back to sleep as the boy continued to read his book...

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