The First Day For Death the Kid

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At 5:00 am Aizawa called both Classes 1-A and 1-B outside the dorms except Midoriya. Vlad King also came to help Eraserhead in managing both classes.

"Sensei why are we called so early?" Kendo asked Vlad King.

"We are here to tell you to keep an eye on Kid D'Eath and Midoriya. There's something suspicious about them. You will keep an eye on them until we say that they are cleared." Aizawa cleared them for Vlad King.

"But why, Sensei?" Uraraka asked Aizawa.

"We suspected that they are here for something else. Especially the timing of Kid came to UA. UA recently discovered underground tunnels under UA's mountain. Midoriya is suspected on bringing Kid here for the tunnels." Vlad King explained to Class 1-A since they are very close to Midoriya.

"Bullshit!!!!!! How can that BASTARD be involved on such an important case?!!!! Bakugou questioned but more like shouted the question.

"We sent investigators 2 days ago to look into it. But never returned and found dead. We recently discovered writings on the wall. We found out that Midoriya, Kid and Alysianna have no records when they were at America. It was classified confidential by the Presidents. We also found that they are involved in an organization where children were put in Nevada, America. Nevada has a desert and we still don't know why. While the adults are spread across all over the globe. Then their leader is also classified as the leader of the whole world even the Presidents agreed to it." Aizawa explained almost everything to them so they could understand more. Since most of them are already heroes. Vlad King looked supremely surprised by Aizawa since he never reveal that much information before to students.

"But what does it have to do with the tunnels?" Yaoyorouzu asked. Todoroki looked like that he has been betrayed along with the others in Class 1-A.

"We were planning to seal the underground tunnels but nothing can seal it. We used everything but nothing is even effective at its entrance. The writings say "Death, Death Scythes and Death's children may pass unharmed. But the strangers are nothing to us because they are not Death. May they suffer the consequence on trespassing his domain. For me to be sealed and opened may one of the 3 seal me. I am indestructible but they can defeat me. 1 entrance and 1 exit may they be sealed for eternal or not. It's their decision not yours." That's what it is written." Aizawa explained further then Vlad King took over the explanation.

"The leader of the organization has 10 human weapons called the Death Scythes. That's one of our hackers found out we concluded that they are also involved in the organization. They may be classified to be Death's children in the organization. So we decided that you will keep an eye on them. While we increase the security level at it's peak so be sure to always bring your I'D. Then you will report to us if there is something strange. The Big Three is also included in the investigation they will keep an eye on Kid D'Eath. Be sure to never be suspicious to them. One mistake and we are exposed then we will contain them for questioning. Is that clear?" Vlad King aka Seikijiro Kan asked the students. They nodded and a few yes sir then they left back to their dormitories. Unknown to them Midoriya was listening using Kid's shadows to spy on them. He went back to his room when they left. He activated his communication spell to talk to Kid.

"Hey Kid. They sent the both the whole hero classes to keep an eye on us. The Big Three of UA will talk to you for anything suspicious. Please do avoid the leader Toogata, Mirio. He is very strong. Act normal as you were at DWMA except don't expose us and please do use the story we made up. To cover us at the last cover up mission we had 422 yrs ago. Lastly if we do our mission use the room as a cover up to rest we only have 2 hours before they check on us. Remember use the shadows to travel we can't screw this up." Midoriya reported and reminded a few to Kid to make sure the mission is a success.

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