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Kid, Midoriya and Death met each other in the Death Room. They sat on their respective pillows since this is Japanese style. They were drinking tea and sat reminiscing on the past.

"I miss everyone in the 8 Guardians of Death." Lord Death murmured but loud enough for the other occupants to hear.

"I agree to that." Midoriya said.

"I third that." Kid added.

"It's been so long since we all sat here together, drinking tea and not breaking anything." Kid said.

"Hahaha, I remember your tantrums back then when you want to drink tea even though your too young for it. Then Eibon tries to reason with you with his knowledge. Plus Excalibur called you fool many times for that." Midoriya said.

"Hey, I was an idiotic perfectionist back then. It's a good thing I am able to control my madness far better now that back then." Kid said.

"Yeah, you would rip your clothes off you back then because it's not symmetrical. Asura and I had to hold you down and force you to wear your clothes back then too." Lord Death commented. Midoriya and Lord Death laughed at that memory and Kid blushed in embarrassment. The laughter died down and there was silence at that moment.

"So what will happen now? I am exposed to my classmates and teachers?" Midoriya asked to Lord Death.

"No need to worry. I used my powers for a powerful memory wipe on everyone who were not associated with us. Including the villains and I put back All for One in Tartarus. So no need to worry on anything. You may go back to school. But once your 20 years of your hero career is up. You will return to DWMA." Lord Death replied.

"That's good news then. I hope you didn't get too attached to them Uncle Prae. You know the consequences, you are an immortal like us." Kid reminded.

"Yeah. If I get attached to them, I would regret living as an immortal. I have a job of being your weapon and companion. I will never age like ordinary people for I may be born from a human woman but I am still immortal through soul." Midoriya said.

"Praesidium we are not saying this because of your immortality but for your sake. Many immortals regrets getting attached to mortals then they were in eternal sorrow as a result. For they can not die to be with who they love. You cannot die unless Kid here dies. Your soul is bonded to Kid and it is your job to keep him safe." Lord Death said in a sad voice.

"I know Lord Death. That's why I want to spent all my remaining time with them with no regrets. I may not see them again but they will live in memory. Including Alyssianna." The Midoriya said.

"Good. Once you come back we will be finished dealing with Asura and let's continue our adventures then." Kid said.

"Yes, our adventures has very entertaining stories. Maybe I should write a book about it." Midoriya commented.

"Fantastic idea! The title will be 'Deathscythe Midoriya and Death the Kid's Adventures' is that alright with you?" Lord Death asked. They nodded and finished their talk. Midoriya went back to UA and father and son went back home.


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