Last Summer's Black Heart~ Ch.1

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  • Dedicated to Yundi (Yundiebear)

Here's One Of My Stories Which I've Only Just Recently Finished This October. If It's Liked Perhaps I'll Add More. But For Now This Will Be All. So Give Me Feedback Please!

This Book Is For My Dear Friend, Yundi.

P.S I'm Still In The Middle Of Editing This, So Comments Are Appreciated!

ANNOUCEMENT: I'm Editing This Story A Lot And Adding More Chapters. So Some Of You May Want To Check Back, And Others May Want To Do The Same. For I'm Sure It Will Take Me Awhile XD


Last Summer's Black Heart~

Prologue; Starry Night's End

The wind's draft brought the water in the ocean back and forth on the ocean's shore. The dark blue of the water was reflected in the night sky and bright moon; it was like a scene from a movie. Probably the most beautiful scene John had ever seen.

"It's beautiful..." a girl whispered. The wind came to her and blew her hair back then, making her hair whisk out behind her in a wave of color. John chuckled and finally sat down beside the girl, wrapping his hockey team's coat around her.

"I know. That's why I chose to bring you here. For our last night together..." John whispered. She laughed now. And then she pulled the jacket closer to her chest. John didn't want to smile. But he couldn't resist smiling at her laughter.

"For tonight at least, don't talk about that Johnny." She scolded John. John laughed again. How had he met this girl again? Oh yeah that was how, a lonely night a long while ago. Back then she had had the most interesting hair that was styled up in a cute way. She was also into a lot of unique things back then. No matter how you looked at it, you couldn't see how that girl had turned into this girl.

John smiled to himself. "Hey do you remember..." John cut himself off. There was something wrong... he turned to look at her and froze.

Chapter 1; Bust it up

"Man this is gonna be the best night ever." I told the guys. We all had our arms around girls and were flat out drunk. We were so drunk that a few of us kept on stumbling on nothing but flat ground. We were just lucky that the cops hadn't come and found us yet in Granger's back alley.

And that was pretty darn lucky, because every teenager in the whole of this town called McGidelys knew that Granger's warehouse alley was the most watched spot by the cops ever. Ever since three friends had died here nine years ago, but it was their own fault, like they could have heard the burglar coming and avoided his aim of fire. But instead they called the police, waited where they were to act like heroes and got shot.

But since then kids have dared others to go in there and a few others have died. But yet again it was their fault. Tripping on the shut down machines and hurting themselves. But I shouldn't be thinking of that tonight. Because tonight was meant for fun and partying.

"Joohhnnnyyy" Crystal bugged me, pulling on my arm. "When are you going to pay attention to me?" She whined. I laughed and hugged her tight.

"My attention's always on you babe." I told her. Crystal pouted and shook her head at me. Man what did women want these days?

"No it wasn't but you already knew that didn't you?" I laughed and bent down to look into her blue eyes. Crystal didn't pull back.

"Of course my attention was on you." I whispered and with that I kissed her puffy pink lips gently. I took my time while I kissing her. I've always liked the foreplay. Just like how I've always liked playing hockey, football and soccer. But I didn't always like girls.

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