43 *End.*

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Yuta tied a black sash over my eyes so I  wouldn't be able to see the "surprise" he planned. It was his day off, the day we planned to go finally out.

"Beautiful, isn't it ?" He smiled at me when he moved the sach from my eyes. It wasn't like I didn't notice his arm wrapping around my waist as he guided me to the table, smooth Yuta.

"I like this restaurant it's japanese, cute and hard to find. Just like you." He pinched my nose and I cringed, I get now why Mark reacts like that.

"It is beautiful." I smiled at him.

"thought you would like this kind of scenery" he pointed at the internal decoration which was a legit traditional japanese one. That's what we like the most about us, that we relate to a lot of things in common.

"I love it Yuta." I said as I sat on the chair he pulled back for me. He handed me the menu and we started talking about almost everything until we finished eating. I got to know him and his friends a lot thanks to this date, I'd never regret meeting them.

We got in the car again and put our safety belts on, he started the engine but I didn't really get why he was taking me home this early. He turned to face me and noticed the confused look on my face.

"I'm taking you to my favorite place." He turns to me as he drives and gives me a warm smile. I look out the window into the sunset when he drives up a narrow path full of trees that lead to the top of a mountain.

He parked the car near a tree then we climbed off the car. My eyes were analysing every single inch of the mountain top with admiration.

"How did you find this place ?" I turn to look  at his twinkling eyes.

"I always come here with my friends, we would always play and do whatever here." He shoves his hands in his pockets and faced the view. It must be a special place for him.

"Come here." I pulled her toward me by her wrist "I have something to show you".

Yuta's POV

Her eyes widen as I suddenly kiss her, my hands holding her face as I press her lips deeply into my own. She moans from the impact, body melting as her legs grow weak in my hold. I kiss her with meaning. Making her feel as though she's worth something.
Her touch is gentle, lips warm and inviting as I slid my tongue into her mouth. She gasps, hands clutching my arm to steady her desk legs. She's breathless when she finally parts from me, her eyes soft and lips swollen. I breath heavily, her eyes widened in amazement and confusion. But then her face falls serious. A short but deep kiss.

My hands gently rubbing her cheeks as she looks up at me. She stands there like a deer caught in headlight, my warmth seeping into her body and causing her to shudder.

"I like you."

"W-What did you just say ?" I bite down on my lip, a feeling of regret of rejection washing over me now. I didn't want go make it awkward and confess such deep feelings so soon. But I never felt like this.

"Are you allowed to-"

" love someone or date ?" I interrupted her. Love was something imaginary for me regardless of my job. Something I never thought I could experience for a girl. But that was before, "I'm a human being, and others should understand me as a human before an Idol." I continued.

She gave me the warmest smile and hugged me, "what about your fans ?" She looked up to meet my face.

I shook my head, "Nctzens will be the first supporting me. " I returned the smile and gave her a small peck.

"I like you even more and I'll always support you."


And this is on being our best Yuta.



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