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Hey everyone - This is a reminder heads up.   I am away on a family trip, and cannot guarantee the publishing of the chapters, though will be doing my best to keep to my Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule.  x

When I get to the drawing room, I am astonished with how many people are here.  And how they all look my age.  The whole young look among supernaturals still throws me.  Though, I can definitely feel who is more powerful, dominant and submissive.  It's like as time goes on I am fine tuning my senses.  

There are seven Alphas - Two from the UK, France, Germany, Poland, and Sweeden; and what I presume to be their Betas.   Damian, and two unknown vampires are sitting on the couch situated next to the fireplace.   Then who I presume are the elders are gathered opposite the vampires.  It all looks so... civil.

No sooner had I walked in the room, Issac was steering me by the elbow to some empty seats.  I could feel his tension radiating out of his pores, which sets my own wolf on high alert.  Anton is behind the Elders, and looks too calm.  In fact looking at him now, and after talking to Marcus, it unnerved me a little.  We locked eyes and he gives me a toothy smile which frankly is chilling.  I have no idea of what to make of this man, but I do know I don't want to leave Issacs side.

The conversation eventually died down and everyone looked up at Marcus and Issac.  Now, see this confuses me.  If Issac is just a warrior.  Why is he so involved in all of this?  Shouldn't there be some general, or leader of some sort talking?  I haven't been asking the right questions or been thinking about this.  Or involving myself because I don't think its my place.

"Thank you everyone for gathering here this evening before the discussions begin officially tomorrow.  I wanted to gather you here this evening to bring to your attention some alarming issues that, thanks to a collaboration with the Vampires law enforcement clan we have gained a better insight into.  As you know, I train my warriors in many different areas to ensure the security and secrecy of our kind.  Making sure other packs are taking care of their own, and following our laws."

I am sitting here enthralled with Issac.  The way he holds himself when he talks, and oozes authority is alarmingly hot.  He is so sure of himself, commands everyones attention, and speaks so clearly it makes you think about what he is saying.  He was truly made to lead.

"Marcus here, is one of the vampires we have been working with, who fulfils a role within his clan similar to my pack, and importantly is one of the Vampires Elders.  During this summit, I should not need to remind you that these are peaceful discussions, with the aim to protect our species.  After much discussion and investigation, I feel it is our benefit to really hear them out, and work with them.  I must stress this.  If we do not work together, or try to.  I foresee a lot of turmoil for our packs, and I cannot guarantee my pack will be able to maintain the peace."  

Everyone looks pretty taken aback and somber.  And I am speechless.  Marcus is an Elder?  How old is he? What was he doing at the launch? So many questions. Oh.  And what the hell?  An ELDER has claimed me?  That doesn't sound good.  While I am dwelling on this news, Andrew came and joined me on the couch, looking like the Beta that he is.  Tall, intimidating, and alert.  

Stepping forward, Marcus took command of the room.  I haven't seen him like this before.  And it's powerful. 

"Thank you Alpha Issac.  Tomorrow, there will be a presentation to your council about how we intend to come out to the humans."

Oh you could hear a pin drop.  I think everyone stopped breathing.  Okay, so no one really knew about this after-all.  I really do wonder how they didn't know about this, and how it has escalated into all the attacks from rogues.  So, where are the rogues coming from.  All wolves have to be accounted for, everyone belongs to a pack even if they are not very active.  Rouges are a danger to humans, and wolves alike.  If Marcus is an Elder... He must know something.

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now