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Ugh.  I hate mornings.  Seriously.  I am not a morning person. Why on earth is there so much noise?  Its like the neighbours have decided to remodel their house.  I go to stretch out and my whole body is stiff like I have run a marathon.  Goodness, I tell you what, that was one heck of a nightmare.  Where my brain came up with that I don't know.

As I am stretching, I feel the bed is cold and hard.  In fact.  Its not a bed at all.  Its a concrete floor. My pulse quickens because something doesn't feel right.  And wow.  My pulse is loud.  And what's that smell?  Its disgusting.  Actually its overwhelming, like rotten chicken, wet dog and copper coins.  Ew. Opening my eyes, fear creeps into my very being.  I am in a cell.  Like a jail cell.  Theres no window.  The floor is cold.  There's no toilet, no sink. No bed.  Literally a bare cell.  Oh my god.  What happened?  This makes no sense whatsoever.

I scrunch my nose trying to make sense of what I am looking at.  How did I get here? Flip.  I remember that wolf.  That goddamn wolf killed me! Oh god.  Oh god oh god.  Am I dead?  Is this what happens when you die?  Is this hell?  Limbo?  For sure its not heaven because why would I be in a bare dark cell?  Oh god.  I died.  Kates alone.  And there's life after death but I don't know what it is.  And I am alone.  I can feel terror starting to rise in my chest.  Its getting difficult to breathe.  In fact.  I am having a panic attack.  The room is spinning and I can see black dots.  Just before I close my eyes and pass out, I hear the sound of a metal lock being turned.  I am too scared to know what's about to happen.  My whole body is shaking, and I give into the darkness again.

No sooner have I given in but I wake up to the smell of burgers.  Well damn thats a good smell.  I feel starving actually.   I could eat a ton of food thinking about it.  I go to stand up, and immediately fall over onto my side.  What the?  I try to crawl my way up, and my legs wobble but I am upright.  Looking down to steady myself I yelp!  I don't see my hands on the floor.  I see two paws.  Where are my hands? Turning my head to the side, I am seeing red fur, with a black tipped tail.  A TAIL!  Oh my god it twitched. I can feel that.  That is a really odd sensation.  Just to make sure, I try moving it again and it swishes through the air.  Thats. My. Tail.

Oh my god thats my tail.  Those are my black paws.   Thats my white belly.  I am covered in fur.  Oh god.  I try to move backwards away from my own body, and stumble over my feet.  Paws? Legs.  God I can't get away from myself.  From this body.  This fur.  I go to let out a scream, and a seriously scary snarl comes out.  AH!   This is not normal.  Somethings not right.   I feel the panic start to rise in my throat again and bile rises up.  Something is wrong.  Something is so terribly wrong. I try to get up again, and take a step forward.  God this feels weird.  Ok hand/paw forward, back leg with.  Nope.  I tumble down flat on my face again and a whine comes out of me.   Its like I am a newborn buck trying to learn to walk.  God this is ridiculous.  

I whip my head around when I hear a deep chuckle to my left.  Who the hell is that?  The panic starts to rise again.   I am not made for situations like this.  I don't like change.  I don't like not knowing where I am.  I don't like knowing there is a man in this cell with me, Im in a animals body.  And my last memory is me dying.  God I am crying.  This is too much.  I can't I just can't.

"Shhhh hush little one.  I am here.  Sorry I didn't mean to upset you.  It was just sort of cute watching you try to walk."

I know that voice.  It sense tingles down my spine.  Sensual tingles.  I feel safe in that voices presence and can feel my breathing even out.

"Mine mine mine mine mine"

Uhh, what the hell is that yippy high pitched voice in my head?

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now