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Lucian POV

God damnit.  Stupid Vampires. Blood sucking leeches. Why in gods name do they keep trying this? Why not just join Remus?  Live peacefully.  Leave me the goddamn alone?

I was happy.  Actually content for the first time in over 300 years! Shit, I never thought I would find her.  And good god she's hot.  And irritating. The most stubborn, independent ferocious woman I have ever met, and yet deliciously obedient in the bedroom.  Fuck.  I can feel myself getting hard just thinking about her and last night.  I smirk to myself thinking of our session in the gym.

God that was not where I thought it was going. Fuck she was amazing.  I could happily spend all day loosing myself in-between those alluring and strong legs of hers.  And the sound of my name on her lips must be the sweetest sound I have ever heard.  I need to hear it more.

Actually, that was the plan.  Especially as my body is so goddamn tired after us actually bonding, spending the whole week in bed sounded fantastic. It's taken so many goddamn lectures from Remus, and patience from me to make her not actually hate my guts.  I nearly nearly lost her just because of my attitude.  I have worked so hard, she means the world to me.  She's so smart, determined and makes me want to be a better man. A better wolf.  We actually slept together! 

My god I thought she was going to stop it any moment.  Seriously.  Best day of my life.  I need more of her.

Stupid vampires. Shit.  What are they doing near the food storage area? It makes no sense.  They attacked the guards but didn't drain them?

I can sense Issac and other guards just behind me.  Issac. Now there's a catch 22.  He's a good wolf.  Loyal, smart, strong.  He will make an excellent Beta.  In fact everything about him rings good.

Except he slept with Roxy.  Shit. It makes my blood boil and I want to rip his fucking head off every time I think about it.  But realistically that's not fair.  He didn't know.  None of us knew.  I can't hold the past against them.  But god, if he ever makes a move, he's gonna pay dearly.

Lost in this thought, my paws tearing up the dirt underneath me, I fly around the corner and my blood runs cold.  No.

"Well well well.  So the rumour is true.  The little prince lives."

God that voice. That damn Russian accent.  I can feel bile rising up my throat.  My wolf wants to take over and rip his throat out.  Fuck.  Whats he doing here?   My warriors and Beta stand behind me ready for my word.  

I don't know how to answer him.  Silence is probably the way to go.  I push out my senses, and crap what is that? The world feels shaky around me for a moment.  God it's giving me a headache.  Taking in a deep breath, I am shocked.  I can literally feel where every single being is around me.  I shake my head to clear my vision.  Nope.  It's like infrared. Oh my god, I can see body heat.  Several squirrels, a badger, and a stag over in the distance.  God this is trippy.  The bond!  That must be what this is.  

"Lucian - Somethings not right.  We shouldn't be here.  This isn't where we need to be."

I agree with my wolf. Somethings not right.  Actually.  Why are there only three vampires here? 

One to the left hidden behind the grain building, and the other to the right in a tree, literally could jump on me.  But that's not where I'm looking.   My families murderer is standing twenty feet in front of me.  


One of the original five vampires to ever exist.  Old as dirt, cold as ice, and a raging lunatic.  Literally his view of the world is screwed up.  He should have been exterminated centuries ago.  God, I'd love to sink my teeth in his throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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