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I was covered in sweat.  Every bone in my body hurt.  My muscles were screaming they were on fire.  And he has the nerve to growl out again at me?!

Its been six weeks since Kate and I moved into the pack house and have integrated ourselves into this new world.   She loves her school.  Everyone has been either welcoming or polite.  But I have had no difficult encounters.   Andrew and I have become close friends, and I am even getting on really well with Dereks wife, Sandra.

And Issac has been relentless every single day in my training.  Four days a week he works on martial arts with me.  Turns out he's a sensai and knows several forms.   The other three days, like today he trains my wolf.   We go for runs, and he demands I shift, then shift back, then shift again, while he tackles me, sneaks up on me and down right pisses me off.

At first I sort of understood.  Even though no pack is at war, and things have been peaceful, Issac has been unnerved by the unknown wolf that attacked me.  They still don't know who he is or which pack he came from.  So he has increased everyones training schedule.  And apparently, wants me to catch up on his years of training in a matter of weeks.

Right now we have been running in the forest for an hour, and he has asked me mid run to shift.  I'm standing here in my human form, and he's disappeared into the treeline.   I am still not 100% comfortable being naked in front of the guy, but when you are as physically drained as I am, and pissed off at the relentless training he has taken on personally.  I think I have finally burnt out and hit my pissed off level.

I hear him sneaking up to my left.   The goal being he wants me to shift and run before he gets to me.  His wolf takes great enjoyment catching me, and making me submit.  My joins are just too tired for another shift.  My my attitude is up for hitting him.  He needs to back off.  A day of R&R will do me the world of good.  In fact, the pack.  And hell even calm down Mr Grumpiness himself.

Before he can leap toward me, I run into attack him.  He recovers from his moment of surprise, and catches my right hook.  I go to sweep my leg under his.  He evades it, while getting a jab into my ribs.  Right as he does this I spin, pushing my elbow into his sternum, then go to knock him over.

Before I know it we are rolling on the ground.  Him yelling obscene comments about needing to take this shifting seriously, me shouting back along the lines of ease up you royal jerkiness.

Before I know it, he has me pinned, my face to the ground, my arm twisted behind my back.  One leg between mine, and the other firmly pushing down on my thigh.  We are both panting, and I can feel his frustration rolling off his skin.  I feel those pins and needles of his washing over my body, which I have come to associate with him releasing his alpha power.  To make me submit.  I have seen it work on others, and even some humans where they all just automatically bow their heads.  For some reason or another it doesn't work on me, and it clearly has gotten under his skin.  I feel his lips dangerously close to the back of my neck, and he growls lowly into my ear.

"You my little fox, need to calm down."

I growl back at him in frustration.  If my body was allowed to rest and recuperate, I bet I would be able to get out of this in a second.  He's been mostly a super angry alpha these past weeks.  Something has been bothering him, and that flirty playful side I saw in the beginning, rarely comes out.  And that is why, when he leans down and nips my earlobe I am stunned.  God it should not feel that good to have his teeth on my skin.  I try to hold in a moan thats threatening to make an appearance to his actions.  I feel him smirk against my skin, gently nipping, kissing and licking my skin as he trails his lips down my neck and over my collarbone.  I can't help but let out a contented groan. My mind has turned into mush, my wolf has turned over on her back and is purring, and sparks are running all over my body.

He lets go of my arm, and trails his hands up on my side, shifting my shirt up a little as his hand is splayed out against my skin, rubbing his thumb dangerously close to my breast.  Its like I am not in control of my body, I know this is a bad idea.  I know that I shouldn't want him.  But, my body is not listening.  I feel him rubbing his body up against my back, our bodies slick with the sweat from the last hour.  Kissing along my shoulders he flips me around, so I am looking up into his eyes.  I can feel the lust, dominance and desire rolling off of him.  He has one leg placed between mine, his hands pinning my arms down.  I can't help but arch my back, and expose my neck more to him, as he starts his erotic and needy assault again.  His body is tense as he is trying to hold back rubbing up against me while I taste the skin on his shoulder, reminding me of salt, earth, and a hint of vanilla. 

He hovers over me, staring into my eyes, glancing down to my lips.  I don't know what's come over us, but I don't want it to stop.  Every nerve ending is on fire, and I have never in my life felt lust and desire like this pushing through my body, calling out to him.  His body responds, leaning up against me, he leans down, his lips dangerously close to mine when my wolf yells in my head.

"Danger Danger!  Run run run!"

Before I know it, Issac is tackled off my body by a grey wolf with a black line down his sides.  Issac is still in his human form, but able to skilfully, and with his abnormal strength keep the wolf at bay.  Just as I am about to go in and help, I hear a menacing growl behind me.

Moving slowly around, so not to engage in a chase too soon, I look over to see yet another scruffy brown wolf.  This one is more sandy brown, and looks hungry and unkempt.  And has his eyes locked on my neck.  I know I am not as skilled as Issac in my human form.  But my wolf is super strong, and as fast as Issac.  I feel my wolf start to take over, and before I know it, I have shifted in the fasted amount of time I ever have.  I see this wolf startle for a moment, obviously taken back by my wolf.  She's like a great dane to his little basset hound.   My markings really do make me look like a gigantic fox on steroids.  And I know that my size and strength are close to an alphas as Andrew has hinted many a time.  I hear Issac growling behind me, and a yelp coming from the other wolf he's fighting off.

I don't want to kill anyone.  I don't want Issac to get hurt.  Why are these wolves attacking us?  I don't understand where they came from, or why they are out here deep in our territory.  The wolf before me crouches down like he's about to attack.  I know what to do.  I know how to fight.

I don't want to.  It won't help us if I can't stop him.  Not knowing what I am doing, I close my eyes and find that deep calm within.  I look deep into this wolfs eyes, searching for his aura.  I can feel it.  Its like the feeling of ants crawling over my skin.   He's hungry.  Angry.  And Disoriented.  The biggest emotion though.  Is fear.   This wolf is afraid big time.  And I don't know of what.   This isn't fear of what's in front of him.   This is something else entirely.

My heart goes out now to this wolf.  No wolf should be in this state.  Their alphas are supposed to protect and preserve.  My heartbeat slows down, it feels a bit like bile rising up out of my throat, but I know its like an inner essence flowing out of my pores.  I can feel that deep calm I found, pulsing out of me, washing over everything in its path.  Before I know it, the wolf in front of me is whimpering.  His tail ticked between his legs.  He belly crawls closer to me, squeezes his eyes shut and exposes his neck.  I put my paw on his head to let him know I mean him no harm and I hear him let out a massive contented sigh.

Well that was weird.  But hey at least I am not running or fighting him at the moment.  I turn around to see how Issac is, and try to make sense of what I am seeing.

That grey wolf has done the exact same thing as the brown one.  He's whimpering behind me, with his eyes squeezed shut.  Behind him there's a very bloody Issac looking at me with a mixture of emotions.  He's looking at me in what can only be described as bewilderment and complete awe.    First I put my paw on the grey wolfs head, seeing him let out a contented sigh.  Then I cock my head to the side assessing Issac.

"Issac?  Whats wrong?"

He takes in a deep breath, and gives me the most genuine grin I have ever seen on this man.

"You my little magnificent and surprising fox, are a Peacekeeper."

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now