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My eyes go wide.  A familiar sensation rolls down my spine, into my arms and legs.  My joins start burning, as they feel like someone is stretching them until they break.  My neck feels like someone is pushing down on my head until I cannot breath.  My face and teeth feel like they are being crushed.  My heart rate increases, and I start to panic again.  It burns so much.  As my body is shifting I can hear Issac giving me encouraging words.  I can't help but resist the pain, the shifting.  I don't want to.  I changed my mind!  Make it stop!  But nothing is going to stop it now.  It takes a good half an hour before I have finally finished.  And I feel totally spent.  God, why would anyone ever want to do that over and over? When I open my eyes, I am sprawled out on the forest floor, Issacs wolf practically on top of me keeping me warm.  I take a deep breath, and feel the last of the pins and needles leave my body.

"Thats my little fox.  Turns out you just needed to submit to me then huh?" 

"Seriously? Egotistical Oaf.  You bit my ass.  There was no submitting on my part."

He gives me a wolfy grin and stuns me by shifting within seconds. He lunges for me, flips me on my back to his side, and hovering his face over mine with a triumphant smirk on his face. "Oh little fox.  But you wolf did submit and has accepted me as her alpha.  You are a surprisingly large, strong and fast wolf.  Quite surprising actually.  And my natural alpha power does not work on you.  Every time I tried you had no reaction whatsoever.  Quite curious really.  It's certainly a first.  But let me assure you little fox... For that command to work after knowing this.  She chose to submit herself to me."

I roll my eyes at him.  Yeah, her and I got a lot of acquainting ourselves ahead of us.  He chuckles at my stubbornness.  And THAT is the moment I realise, not only has he got me pinned down in the dirt, his face hovering over mine where I can feel his warm breath.

We are both naked.  

I mean welcome to the world nothing to hide naked.  I can feel a hot blush sweep over my body as I feel his torso leaned up against my side, his hip touching the side of my hip, and I squeak. Noticing my horror filled face, he chuckles while letting me leap up to hide behind a tree.

"You know, you are going to have to get over your modesty as a wolf.  Naked happens.  A lot.   Besides, you have nothing to hide and everything to... How shall I say this?  Feel smug about."

Oh the perv! He looked!

"You looked!  Creeper!"

I hear two hearty chuckles, then someone cleaning their voice nearby.

"Alpha, I took the liberty to go get some clothing while you two were.... wrestling?"

I fume.  That was not playful wrestling to be entertained over.  I am still damn pissed off at the guy.  I take the slightly too big shorts and t shirt that's tossed near me and scramble to get dressed.

"Common Roxy, lets go inside.  You must be starving, and then I'll show you Kates room to check in on her, and then to yours."

"Wait, no, I stay with Kate".

"I would advise against it.   Though I have spent a little time with your wolf, and you seemed to have a fair amount of control, ...unless provoked" He winks at me.  The nerve of him!

"... It would be best to be in different rooms.  Heightened emotions can cause us to shift, and I don't want to risk your daughter to that until you have absolute control over it. Kids know how to push our buttons after all.  Until then, we will put your room close to me, so if something happens I can intervene."

I hadn't thought about that.  Flip, I could be a risk to Kate?  Well then I will just have to work hard to get the hang of this quickly because that is unacceptable.   I feel a wave of exhaustion wash over me.   Wow, its been a chaotic day, traumatic if I dwell on it too much.  Nothing I would ever have thought I would experience, and I bet there's so much more to come.  Food and rest sounds so good right about now.  I have tones of questions, but they are not going anywhere and I am no use to anyone in this state. 

After wolfing down (hehe get it wolfing down?) about four chicken and bacon sandwiches, thanks to Derek;  dude knows his way around the kitchen.  Issac escorts me upstairs.  The place is like a mini hotel, mansion kind of place.  I am not taking too much notice just yet, as my eyes are so heavy.  In fact, I can hardly make it up the stairs my body is so stiff.  I check in on Kate.  She's sound asleep, sharing a room with a girl round about her age.  She looks peaceful, and no signs of crying on her face.  A pang of guilt washes over me.  I didn't see her today. Who put her to bed.  What did they tell her?  And god knows what's going to happen going forward.  My world may have been disrupted, but her world too.  How can I protect her in a place like this? I sigh.  Issac squeezes my shoulder indicating its time to go.   I shuffle after him down the corridor until he leads me to where I guess I will be staying.  

"Don't worry about Kate.  You will hear her if she needs you.  You are still on the same floor.  Dereks wife bought a change of clothes for tomorrow for you, and then we will go to your house and pick up what you need tomorrow.   For now, bathroom over there. Get some rest little fox.  You did well today."

He gives me a wink, leaving me alone in the room.  I just don't have the energy for anything but sleep.  I collapse onto the bed, fold the blankets over me and fall asleep instantly.   It's not a good nights rest.  Because I dream about blood, death, pain and two alluring forest green eyes.

A/N - Not the longest chapter,  its sort of a filler chapter.  But we have new characters and events coming up which I am excited to write about.  xxx

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now